Things that make you go.......hmmmmm
Baby Baby
STOP .... Wait a minute
Holy Pneumonic
Whats going on here?

When describing a patients anatomical position, how would you refer to an injury closer to the head from a specific reference point ?

Superior. The bruise on the patients abdomen was located superior to naval. 

After the delivery of a child you notice thick meconium staining. The infant is in respiratory distress because...

the child has most likely aspirated the meconium which is the infants first stool.


When loading a patient into the helicopter. What is the one direction in which EMS should never approach a helicopter?

The rear.. The tail rotor is the most common source of injury while on the ground.


The S in the Pneumonic SAMPLE correctly stands for .....

Signs and Symptoms. 


The appropriate dosage of Aspirin given to a chest pain patient is ....

4 81mg tablets or a total 324mgs


You QA officer is reviewing your chart and it states your patient is having seizures with status epilepticus. How is this different from a patient with generalized seizures?

generalized seizures is a single seizure that lasts several minutes. 

A seizure with status epilepticus is continual seizures or a seizure lasting more than 5 minutes.


This should be done with the placenta after delivery. 

What is wrap it in a towel and place in a bag for transport.


The only time in which you may administer Nitroglycerin to your patient as an EMT B is 

What is.. When the patient has prescribed Nitro.. the EMT B may assist in its administration.


You find your patient unresponsive and is only responding to a sternal rub. You are completing your PCR and your patients level of consciousness should be represented by this letter.

P painful stimuli 


You have a 42 year old diabetic patient. They are unresponsive and you check the BGL which turns out to be 31. ALS is on the way but is still about 3 min out. Your partner grabs your med bag and hands you a tube of oral glucose. How much oral glucose do you give this patient?

NONE.... You must not give an unresponsive patient oral glucose. This patient is unable to protect their own airway. 


You arrive on scene to find a 22 year old male who fell from a tree. He has a branch impaled in his right thigh. The branch is no longer attached to the treed and is only about 7 inches long from the base of the skin. The wound is pouring blood down the patients leg.  What do you do about this injury?

Leave the object in and pad it as needed with bulky dressing. No impaled objects should be removed. If bleeding is uncontrolled a tourniquet may be applied. 


You arrive on scene where a mother has already delivered her baby. Your partner is caring for the new baby. You notice a large blood loss from the mother! She also appears to still be bleeding. You should...

Massage the uterus firmly in a circular motion. 


You are backing out of a drive way with a patient on board when you strike a tree. You do not have a spotter as the only person on your truck was caring for a patient. There does not appear to be much damage to your unit when you check but the EMT and patient noticed the jolt from the impact. What is your next move?

Take photos of the incident and contact your supervisor immediately. Because a patient is on board this is a reportable incident. As long as your unit is drivable continue to the hospital as to not delay transport of your patient. If your unit is not drivable, contact county preferably by landline and advise you are having mechanical issues and are in need of an additional transport unit.  


The acronym PERRL stands for. 

 Pupils Equal Round and Reactive to Light. 


You arrive on scene to find a 70 year old man complaining of abdominal pain. He said he just vomited brown coffee ground looking vomit. He is diaphoretic and pale. he also states he is feeling faint. This patient may have?

A gastrointestinal hemorrhage. 


You arrive on scene and find a 40 year old female seated on the lawn. This patient has a an obvious evisceration and is holding her abdomen. How do you treat an eviscerstion?

cover with sterle saline gauze and secure with occulsive dressing.


You are transporting a 17 year old woman whos is delivering and the child is breech and the head remains in the birth canal and is unable to be dislodged. What do you do for the remainder of the transport for this infant?

what is.... create an airway for the child in the birth canal with your fingers. This provides this infant with the best chance of survival.


Your patient is found pulseless and apneic. There is no sign of lividity or obvious death. The patient is not on hospice and appears to have recently arrested however the nursing home is not doing CPR. why ?

There is a valid DNR in place.


Your patient has abdominal pain. You have already asked Onset- when did it start. Provocation- Did you do anything physical or eat anything differently today? Quality- What does this pain feel like? What do you ask next?

Radiate. Does this pain go anywhere or stay in the same place? OPQRSTI


Your 50 year old patient has fallen. He is awake and alert and has no obvious head injury but the skin and tissue around this patients eyes is dark or blue color. This patient is probably suffering from?

A skull fracture or head injury. Racoon eyes is indicative that blood may be  collecting in the spaces around the eyes.


These two conditions can mimic the symptoms of a stroke when first assessed.

Hypoglycemia and postictal state following a seizure.


What is the recommended position for transporting a pregnant woman who is in her third trimester but is not in labor? 

On her left side. When a patient is transported on her back the inferior vena cava is compressed.


You are the first unit to arrive on scene of a motor vehicle accident. You notice an overturned tanker truck on the side of the road. There is a male in the drivers seat yelling for help. There is fluid in the roadway spilling from the truck. You notice a placard on the truck but are unfamiliar with the symbol on the placard. Your phone is dead and you can not google it. How can you find out what the placard is and if it is safe to help this patient?

Emergency Response Book located in your ambulance.


START whewn referring to triage situations refers to what?

Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment.

You are dispatched to a 37 year old female who's propane tank exploded. The patient has burns to her face and chest. Your ALS unit is 10 minutes out in route to you from Garnet so Garnet is also 10 minutes from your location. County advises you have a helicopter on stanby and they are 5 minutes out plus lift which is about 8 minutes out. If you load the patient and head to the hospital you could potentially meet your ALS unit in 5 minutes. What is your choice for this patient? 

Launch the helicopter. Although you may be able to meet your ALS unit in 5 minutes as you intercept, this patient is in need of a burn unit and should be flown despite the fact that ALS may be closer.
