This makes print rich classroom super important.
Providing children with interesting areas, materials, furniture, and objects allows programs to continue to be fascinating and challenging to promote language skills?
The main functions of the language arts center are.
to provide looking and listening activities, provide hands on experience for the children with materials that develop their communication skills.
The set up of the center is important
Set up is important because the goal if the center is to have the children understand that speaking, listening, reading, and writing are all related to one another.
What makes the family home connection so important
It is important because a child's family is there first teacher and model and their home is the first and most influential school that they will have.
The psychosocial theory was created by
Erick Erikson
Other benefits for a print rich classroom are
Allows opportunities for sensory exploration and also increases a child's knowledge of relationships.
The characteristics of a language arts center are.
When introducing computers to the center it is important to.
Choose software and hardware that will complement that learning goals that are established for the children.
How does the family home connection influence child literacy at home and school.
It is influenced by the settings, models, and activities that are planned and unplanned.
The nativist theory is
educators that believe in the natural unfolding or maturing of a child without being given any direct instruction from an adult.
What recommendations are given to teachers to provide a print rich classroom to students.
To take into consideration the supplies that they have available in their classroom, furniture, books, and technology in the classroom and with this in mind create a classroom that allows for literacy development in all areas.
What devices are provided in the language arts center.
The devices are tape recorders, DVD players, computers, and headphones.
Characteristics of appropriate software are
to provide positive verbal and visual cues, allows the children to control the pace and action, and supports working alone and with others.
How are schools communicating with parents
Communication with parents is demonstrated through daily conversations, emails, family meetings, apps like class dojo, and conferences.
Purposeful listening is
when a child is given instructions, and they follow those instructions and give a response to them.
Activities that enhance a print rich classroom are.
Are by making a chart available in the classroom with their names and having them take their name off as they are walking in every morning and place it into a container.
The teacher's role in the language center is to.
Be companions to the children by sharing books, helping with their projects, playing language games with them, and helping them with any of the equipment if needed.
If computers are made available where is the best are to keep them
The best area for them to be kept are where the monitors are visible so that teachers can see if help is needed.
How are families who don't speak English encouraged to participate in family home connections.
They are encouraged to participate by the schools providing family literacy programs and adult literacy programs.
Appreciative listening is
When a child finds pleasure and entertainment in hearing music, poems, and stories.
A teacher can make a print rich classroom welcoming to all children.
This can be done by providing books, items, and artwork from the cultures of the students in the classroom.
Bulletin boards in the classroom boost what in the classroom.
Bulletin boards that are interesting and are able to catch the attention of the students allow for discussion to be boosted in the classroom.
A teacher decides what software for computers is appropriate for the children
By doing their own research and on different software programs that are available and also keeps in mind that each child has different ways of learning.
Are hard to reach families still important to maintain contact with
Hard to reach families should still be kept up to date with any of the information that is sent home about the children.
The Interactionists-social constructionist theory is
The importance that language and socially shared cognition between adults and children where scaffolding was used.