Name 3 computer-based activities:
use social media, watch videos online, video blog
We use the ... to talk about a specific occasion in the past.
Past Simple
Name 3 compound nouns from NOUN+NOUN
safety barrier
mountain range...
'A real let-down' means that something is:
Name 5 school clubs:
art, astronomy, baking, ballroom dancing, computer
Name 5 home-based activities:
bake cakes, collect things, play board games, read books, play a musical intsrument (more answers are possible)
We use the ... to say how long the situation has existed.
Present Perfect Simple/Continuous
Name 3 compound nouns from -ING FORM+NOUN
dining room
recording studio
swimming pool
Name 2 phrases you can use for coming to an agreement:
Ok, I agree.
That's settled then.
Name 3 adventure activities:
abseiling, bodyboarding, bungee jumping
We normally use ... with sports and activities ending in -ing.
We use the .... for an action that has recently been in progress and which explains the current situation.
Present Perfect Continuous
Name 3 compund nouns from ADJECTIVE+NOUN
wet room
main road
Name 3 phrases to express preferences:
I quite fancy...
I'm quite keen on...
I like the idea of...
Which prepositions mean 'in many parts of a place'?
all over
We normally use ... with team sports, ball sports, games and musical instruments.
We use ... for an action that has happened repeatedly during a recent period.
Present Perfect Continuous
We usually write compound adjective with a....
Name 3 phrases for raising objections:
Sorry, but I don't really fancy...
The problem with... is that...
I'm not keen on... because...
Organic food does not contain...
We normally use ... with individual sports and activities not ending in -ing.
We use the ... to ask or talk about an experience and then the ... to give specific information about it.
Present Perfect
Past Simple
Name a compund adjective from more than 2 words
Name 3 things that multiple choice questions may test:
1. factual information
2. the writer's opinion
3. the writer's intention
Name 3 special diets:
lactose intolerant