Dimensional Motion
Projectile Motion
Newton's laws
Work,Energy and Power

What is the difference between speed and velocity?

Speed is a scalar quantity, while velocity is a vector quantity


If an object has a constant velocity,What can be said about its acceleration?

The acceleration is zero


If the car is traveling around a curve of 50m radius at a velocity of 10 m/s. What is the centripetal acceleration of the car?

2 m/s/s


What is an object's change in momentum equal to?

The impulse acting on the object.


A ball is thrown vertically upward with an initial velocity of 29.4 meters per second. What is the maximum height reached by the ball?



 If an object has a constant velocity, what can be said about its acceleration?

The acceleration is zero


Which of the following measurements is NOT A SCALAR?



A child riding a merry-go-round feels a centripetal force.How would the magnitude of acceleration change if the velocity doubled(2x)?

Double (2x)


An object has a mass of 100 kg moving at 5 m/s. What is the linear momentum of the object?

500 kg m/s


What is the maximum amount of work that a 6000-watt motor can do in 10 seconds?

6*10^4 J


What is the SI unit for acceleration?



For a projectile, which velocity remains constant as long as air resistance is ignored?



A 5000kg truck and a 1000kg car are traveling at constant speeds and then collides. What is true about the Forces and acceleration on each?

Since they are moving with a constant velocity, the Forces on each of them are equal. But the 1000kg car will have greater acceleration since it has less mass.


A golf cart has 10 kg m/s of momentum when it hits a golf ball that is at rest. After the collision, the golf club has a momentum of 1 kg m/s and the golf ball has a momentum of 9 kg m/s. Which of the following comparisons is TRUE about the change in momentum of the two objects?

The change in momentum is equal and opposite for the two objects.


A 60-kilogram student climbs a ladder a vertical distance of 4.0 meters in 8.0 seconds. Approximately how much total work is done against gravity by the student during the climb?

2.4 x 10^3 J


What is the average acceleration of an object that changes its velocity from 10 m/s to 30 m/s in 5 seconds?

4 m/s^2


A football is kicked across the field. Which of the following is true?

The acceleration of the ball decreases as the ball moves upward.


Kids were playing with balls which are of equal mass. They kicked them with different forces. Which one accelerated more?

Red ball since force and acceleration are directly related.


A layer of padding is added to car dashboards because it can  reduce some injuries during a collision. How does the padded  dashboard make people safer?

it increases the time of impact during the collision.


A 15.0 kilogram mass is moving at 7.50 meters per second on a horizontal, frictionless surface. What is the total work that must be done on the mass to increase it's speed to 11.5 meters per second?



Displacement is a vector quantity because it includes information about:

Magnitude and direction


A football was kicked toward the goal. The horizontal component of velocity was 10 m/s  and the vertical component was 7 m/s . What is the magnitude of the resultant velocity of the soccer ball?

12 m/s


A man is whirling a 0.5 kg ball on a 1.0 m long string at 2 m/s.  What is true about the force on the ball?

It pushes out, away from the center of the circle


A large, moving truck crashes into a small parked car. How do the  magnitudes of the impulses and the forces on each vehicle  compare during the collision?  

The truck experiences equal force and equal impulse


A golf club has 10 kg m/s of momentum when it hits a golf ball  that is at rest. After the collision, the golf club has a momentum of  1 kg m/s and the golf ball has a momentum of 9 kg m/s. Which of  the following comparisons is TRUE about the change in  momentum of the two objects?  

the change in momentum is equal and opposite for the two objects
