A communication channel companies use to communicate with their internal and external audience. It includes emails, memos, letters, reports, and marketing materials is called ___________________
Business Writing
Every email we send has a desired outcome:
Action required
Read Only
and _____________
Response Needed
the 4 communication styles are:
Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, and __________
The #1 soft skill that Business Leaders think is most Crucial is ____________
True or False:
USE BCC only to control replies and safeguard privacy
This communication style transforms input into feelings
80% of Business Writing is handled via ________
The top worst email greetings is _____________
No Greetings
When using the inverted pyramid structure in an email, you need to start with the _________ __________
Main Point
The challenge of email communication is:
to get attention
Engage interest
to stimulate an action and ____________
The best email structure is called
Inverted Pyramid
When dealing with people, you are not dealing with creature of logic, but creatures of ______________
Dale Carnegie
Delicate and complex Negotiation should be dealt with/sent via __________________
In person
True or False
You should write an email backward
The process of identifying keywords and language used by the sender and using these in their response is called ______________