Il fait froid
What is "it is cold."
La main
What is the hand.
Translate: Je suis arrivé
Les montagnes russes
What are roller coasters
Il y a du soleil.
What is "it is sunny."
Le pied
Translate: Il a voyagé
What is He took a trip.
Les jeux d'adresse
What are carnival games
Il grêle
What is "it is hailing."
La jambe
What is the leg?
Translate: Ils sont restés
What is they stayed?
La maison hantée
What is the haunted house
Il fait mauvais.
What is "it is bad weather."
Le visage
What is the face?
Translate into French: We went
What is nous sommes allés
La grande roue
What is the ferris wheel?
Il pleut.
What is "It is raining."
Le genou
What is the knee?
Translate into French: you (singular) liked.
What is tu as aimé
le manège
What is the merry-go-round