Tickborne Diseases Basics
Distribution, Signs- Symptoms
All about Tick Bites
Preventing Tick Bites
Removing ticks and Treatment

During which season do tick borne diseases most commonly occur?

April through October


What is the most common tick in New Jersey?

Black-legged or deer-tick

(Ixodes scapularis)


How long can a tick spread the bacteria once it is infected?

Throughout its whole life.


What type of clothing will protect your arms and legs from ticks?

Long pants and long-sleeved shirts.


Is there a treatment for Lyme disease?

Yes. (Antibiotics: Doxycycline-drug of choice).

3 to 4 weeks of oral antibiotic therapy is generally effective if treated early.

More advanced diseases may require IV antibiotics for four weeks or longer.


True or False: Lyme can be transmitted from person to person.



What is the most common sign of Lyme disease?

The bull’s eye rash (in 70-80%  cases)


Can you feel tick-bites?

Most likely, you won’t feel anything because the bite doesn’t hurt, and it isn’t usually itchy.


What tick-repellent products are recommended for use on the skin before going to woody/grassy areas to prevent tick bites?

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-registered insect repellents containing DEET, picaridin, IR3535, etc. Always follow instructions on products.


Do people who get tick bites always need treatment?

In most cases, people bitten by a tick are given antibiotics only if they are sick or have a rash.


Name one tick-borne disease other than Lyme disease.

Alpha-gal Syndrome, Anaplasmosis, Babesiosis, 

Tick-borne relapsing fever, Ehrlichiosis,

Powassan, Spotted fever Group Rickettsioses (Rocky Mountain spotted fever), Tularemia


When does the red bull’s-eye rash usually appear after a tick bite in Lyme disease cases?

Appears after 3-30 days of tick bite (average of 7 days)


 In most cases, how long does a tick have to be attached to your skin to transmit the bacteria that can cause Lyme disease?

36-48 hours

(If you remove a tick quickly within 24 hours, you can greatly


What should you do with your clothes when you come inside to kill any ticks crawling on them?

Put them in the dryer for 10 minutes on high heat.


 What should you do with a tick after you remove it? 

Put it in rubbing alcohol to kill it or put it in a sealed plastic bag.


True or False: You can’t get bitten by a tick in the winter.



What are some other signs or symptoms of Lyme disease?

• Tiredness

• Fever

• Headache

• Stiff neck

• Muscle aches

• Joint pain.

There can be asymptomatic cases as well.


How long does the life cycle of a black-legged tick usually last?

The lifecycle of black-legged ticks generally lasts 2-3 years. During this time, they go through four life stages: egg, six-legged larva, eight-legged nymph, and adult.


What areas of your body should you check for ticks after being outdoors?

Full body


Under the arms

In and around the ears, hair

Inside belly button

Back of the knees

Between the legs

Around the waist


Do you need to clean the area after removing ticks from your skin? If yes, how?

Yes. After removing a tick, disinfect the bite area and tweezers with alcohol, and wash your hands with soap and hot water.


What is the scientific name of the bacteria that causes Lyme disease?

Borrelia burgdorferi


Can Lyme disease have serious health effects?

If untreated, weeks to months later some people may also have:

• Arthritis

• Nervous system problems

• Heart problems


In which stages can ticks transmit Lyme disease?

Nymphal and adult female stages

(Male only feed on blood briefly and do not transmit Lyme disease)


What type of tick-repellent is approved for use on clothing, boots, camping gears, etc.?  



What is the best way to remove a tick? 

Use a fine-tipped tweezer to grasp the tick as close to the skin’s surface as possible and pull it upward. 

(Do not twist or jerk the tick—this may cause the mouth parts to break off and remain in the skin and can still lead to transmitting bacteria).
