Favourite Songs, Shows, and Movies
Family Vacay
Adam Lore
Who's that?

Finish this SpongBob quote:

"Oh come on SpongeBob! You know, I wumbo..."

What is "You wumbo, He she me WUMBOO"?


The name of the Mall that Ryan would frequent on family trips to Ethiopia 

What is Edna Mall?


The way Adam jokingly says the word "Monkey"

What is "monk"?


Which family member broke their arm as a kid by falling off of a slide?

A) Ahmed B) Ryan C) Abdul Hakim D) Blippi 

Who is B) Ryan?


Which of these names were never considered for our cat Fifa?

A) Jamal B) Tyrone C) Oreo D) Misty E) Fluffy 

What is E) Fluffy?


On a family vaycay in Ethiopia we were playing hide and seek, Ryan and Fatima decided to hide inside a car parked outside the house. Finish the lyric the the infamous "Ryan Farted" song (by singing) 

"Ryan Farted In This Car..."

What is "It's So Smelly You Have To Hold Your Breath"?


At the Georgina Trip, which of these event did not happen?

A) It took us over 30 minutes to set the tent up 

B) Lilly fell off the jet ski 

C) Ryan spit at some racist white people 

What is B) Lilly fell off the jet ski? 


What was the name of the room that Baba impulsively built in the basement of the old house?

What is "Masjid Adam"?


During a family get-together, Fakahakdiya was talking loudly and she asked this family member if they wanted her to be quieter to which this person responds "YES PLEASE".

A) Fatima B) Hana C) Ahmed D) Bon Qui Qui

Who is " B) Hana?


Which family members first phone was a flip phone?

Who is Hana?


What 2000s Chick Flick is most often rewatch every summer for Fatima, Hana, Lilly, and Hiba. 

What is "Aquamarine"?


On a trip in Ethiopia, Sultan picked up a toy camera that makes the sound "Smile". What sound did Sultan think the toy was making?

What is "Mayooo"?


What is the name of the Octopus toy that Adam had as a baby?

What is "Lameez"?


This family member lost their shoe on a ride at Edna Mall when we were kids 

A) Hiba B) Hana C) Lilly D) Joe Biden 

Who is A) Hiba?


What did we affectionately name the water park near our old house?

What is "The Flower Park"?


From the Barbie Movie "The Island Princess" sing the final portion of this verse: 

"I need to know these answers, __ __ __ __ __"

What is "I need to find my way"?


What was unique about the colonial era motel that we stayed in when camping because Mama did not want to sleep in a tent?

What is it used to be a jail?


What nickname did Mama call Adam when he was a baby?

What is "Boobi"?


In the Home Video titled "Twirl-around-atoo" which family member walks across the screen right before Ahmed falls off the bed?

A) Mama  B) Miha  C) Fatima  D) Dwayne Johnson

Who is C) Fatima?


In Ethiopia, our pet turtle Carlos got a crack in his shell from kids standing on him, what was Ahmed and Miha's solution to this?

What is Put a Band-Aid on it?


Below is a snippet from a song featured the family favourite 2012 movie "Delhi Safari"

"Come along, you gotta gotta come with us"

"Pick 'em up and move your feet on down the road"

Finish the lyric (by singing it lol)

What is 

"We'll be together on this great Delhi Safari"

"Delhi Safari hey!, Delhi Safari come along"?


On our trip to Sodare, what did the monkeys NOT do to us? 

A)  Climb on top of the car 

B) Steal bananas from Hiba and Mama

C)  Drink our Mirinda 

What is A) Climb on top of the car


Where did Adam say his first words

What is in Ethiopia? 


This Family member helped Miha fill up a water bottle with questionable items and nicknamed it "robberwater"

 A) Hiba B) Lilly C) Ryan D) Mr. Beast 

Who is B) Lilly?


What nickname did we give that mean kid who lived in Hana's neighbourhood when we were kids?

What is Dan-ger?
