Reading skills
Reading foundational skills

This word means all the living things in the world. 



What is the past participle of "go"?

(Present perfect)



What are main idea and supporting details? 

Main idea is the most important central idea of a text.

Supporting details are the detailed sentences that support the main idea. 


What are prefixes and suffixes? 

Prefixes are the letters added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning. 

Suffixes are the letters added to the end of a word to change its meaning. 


What are the genres of "Let's Celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day" and "Horton Hears a Who?"




This phrase means it might be more comfortable if you were dead. (4 words)

more dead than alive


What is the sentence pattern of "present perfect"?

subject + have/has + past participle


What are facts and opinions? 

A fact is something that can be shown to be true. It can be proved (被证实).

An opinion is a view or idea that someone has but it cannot be proved to be true.


Please give us at least 3 prefixes and 3 suffixes, and explain the meanings, and give examples. 

Answers vary


Please state at least 3 genre features of a "Biography" and "Fantasy". 

Biography: non-fiction, all the information given is true, it usually introduces the early childhood, family background, education, career and achievements and successes and failures of a person's life. 

Fantasy: fiction, not real, imaginary, pretend, or make-believe, it contains unreal things that could never be real, imaginary characters living in imaginary worlds, magic, fantasy breaks the rules of what we know. 


This phrase is used to describe somebody who is crazy or silly. (4 words)

out of somebody's head


What is the difference between "Past simple" and "Present perfect"? 

Past simple is about something that happened in the past for once. 

Present perfect is the connection/bridge between the past and present. 


What is Author's Purpose? 

Author's purpose is as easy as a PIE.

P (Persuade)

I (Inform)

E (Entertain) 


What are homophones, homonyms, and homographs? Please name some examples. 

Homophones (sound): the words that have the same sound, but different spelling and meaning. (see and sea, son and sun)

Homonyms (name): the words that have different meanings, but the same sound and spelling. (bat, right, nail)

Homographs (spelling): the words that have the same spelling, but different sounds and meanings. (bass, bow, tear)


What is a story mountain? What are the 5 steps of a story mountain? 

A story mountain is a plot mountain that shows exciting storylines. 


Rising action


Falling action



The right of every person to equal protection under the laws and equal access to society's opportunities and public facilities. (2 words)

equal rights


Please put the following two sentences into one sentence, and then draw a timeline. 

"Tweety was watching a scary movie."

"Qingtian shouted out loud". 

(Interrupted past continuous) 

Tweety was watching a scary movie when Qingtian shouted out loud. 


What is making inferences? (Please give an example) 

Making inferences is,

What you read/heard/saw + What you already know =Make inference 

(Example: I saw a house with lots of balloons outside, and the background music is "Happy birthday", I made an inference that they might be celebrating a birthday. )


Which two languages do some of the English words come from? (Please give at least two examples.)

Greek and Latin roots 

Bio (life)

Graph (writing/spelling)

Aqua (water)

Bi (two)

Tri (three)

Sub (under)

Auto (self)


What is "show not tell"? What are the three features we can use to show the readers what they are reading? 

“Show not tell” is a writing technique that allows the reader to experience/feel the details of the story through actions, thoughts, and words, as opposed to through the author’s simple telling. It helps to paint a picture in the reader's head. 

actions, thoughts, and words


Separation of people based on racial(种族), ethnic(民族), or other differences. (1 word)



Please write down the negative sentence, question, and short answer of the following sentence. 

"I used to go to the park every weekend." 

I didn't use to go to the park every weekend.

Did I use to go to the park every weekend?

Yes, I did.

No, I didn't. 


What is figurative language? Please give at least 4 common figurative languages, and make two sentences to show your understanding. 

Figurative language is the language that uses "figures of speech". Readers will need to figure out what the author is trying to tell the readers. 

Some of the most common figurative languages are simile, metaphor, personification, and hyperbole. 


You are my sunshine. (metaphor)

My feet couldn't breathe anymore. (personification)

The tree is as beautiful as a painting. (simile)

I could eat a horse now. (hyperbole)


What are "context clues"? How can we find clues when we don't understand a word in a text? 

The clues you can find in a text when you are reading. These clues would help you to figure out what a word means. 

1. pictures

2. definitions

3. examples

4. synonyms

5. antonyms 


Which of the following criteria is NOT in the "Fantasy" rubric?

口 The story has beginning, middle, and end with at least three paragraphs 

口 The story has unreal things that could never be real (characters, setting and plot)

口 The introduction/exposition describes the characters and the setting (when and where)

口 There is at least one clear conflict/problem in the story along with solutions

口 The writer uses “Show Not Tell” to make the story interesting to readers

口 The writer uses facts to persuade readers in order to make them do something

口 The writer uses “Figurative Language” like metaphor, simile, hyperbole, and personification to make the story vivid to readers

口 The language in the story is comprehensible (understandable and makes sense)

口 The writer uses facts to persuade readers in order to make them do something
