Day in the Life
This is Energy Data
NYC Climate Goals
Are You Smarter Than a CUNY BPL Intern?

This CCNY mascot was petitioned to be replaced with "Rocky the Raccoon" after a raccoon was found living in the CCNY library.

Who is Benny the Beaver?

CUNY BPL offers these to CUNY students interested in building energy research and engineering careers.

What are paid internships?


These portable devices are designed to record changes in environmental conditions over time, often used to measure temperature, humidity, or on/off status.

What are data loggers?


CUNY BPL offers assistance with energy audits and retro-commissioning as part of this NYC local law. 

What is Local Law 87?


This technology captures sunlight to generate electric power, often used on rooftops of environmentally friendly buildings.

What are solar photovoltaic (PV) panels?


The number of hours in a year, calculated by multiplying the number of days in a year by hours in a day. Or, the key code for 826.

What is 8,760?


This feature of many of CUNY BPL's programs makes them particularly attractive to participants.

What is being free of charge?


In 2023 the TS team presented at an ASHRAE conference about their methodology for automating building energy models for this M&V practice.

What is IPMVP Option D - Calibrated Simulation? 


This NYC local law is designed to mitigate GHG emissions by imposing strict carbon limits on buildings. 

What is Local Law 97?


This term refers to the ratio of useful energy output to the total energy input in a system, highlighting how effectively energy is utilized.

What is efficiency?


This many BPL babies were welcomed to the world in 2023! 

What is 3?


This inventory of measuring devices is offered at no-cost by CUNY BPL to NYC facility personnel to implement energy-efficiency projects.

What is the Field Equipment Lending Library (FELL)?


A term used by NYSERDA to describe a combination of systems and services employed to monitor and identify building improvement opportunities. CUNY BPL just won a contract to rain professionals on how to better utilize these systems.

What is Real-time Energy Management (RTEM)?


Released in 2021, this document outlines DCAS' plan for meeting the ambitious carbon reduction goals in city-government operations set forth by LL97. 

What is the Local Law 97 Implementation Action Plan?


This process in HVAC systems involves removing or diluting indoor air pollutants and moisture.

What is ventilation?


If someone from the 96 Greenwich St office is ordering fries from George's Diner, the order will almost always be accompanied by this.

What is brown gravy?


This CUNY BPL coaching topic involves analyzing operational data, identifying inefficiencies, and implementing corrective measures without significant capital investment. 

What is Building Re-tuning (BRT)?


This NYC agency had the highest total energy consumption in 2022.

What is the Department of Education (DOE)?


Expanding access to bike lanes is part of NYC's plan to fight climate change. This path in NYC is the most heavily used bikeway in the US, with over 7,000 riders every day.

What is the Hudson River Greenway?


This part of a building acts as a barrier between the interior and exterior environments, crucial for controlling heat flow and air leakage. 

What is the building envelope? 


This coffee shop in midtown was a must-visit for the staff to start their day with a fresh cup of coffee before heading to work on 31st Street.

What is Gregory's Coffee?


This publicly offered CUNY BPL training course has the highest cumulative number of attendees at over 2,200 thus far. 

What is Crash Course on NYC Building Energy Laws? (Also acceptable: "BECS-1" or "Crash Course")


This is the number of NYC municipal properties that we store and manage data for, rounded to the nearest thousand.

What is 6,000?


New buildings in NYC are slated to be 100% net-zero by this year.

What is 2030?


A BEMA-modeled building has a heating change-point of 60 degrees and a cooling change-point of 50 degrees. The models can be used to confirm this undesirable performance characterization. 

What is simultaneous heating and cooling?
