1D Motion
Newton's law and Forces
2D Motion
Work Power Energy

What is the difference between speed and velocity?

Speed is a scalar quantity, while velocity is a vector quantity


Which arrow representing Normal force and which one shows weight?

mg, N


For a projectile, which velocity remains constant as long as air resistance is ignored?



The first asteroid to be discovered is Ceres. It is the largest and most massive asteroid is our solar system’s asteroid belt, having an estimated mass of 3.0 x 1021 kg and an orbital speed of 17900 m/s. Determine the amount of kinetic energy possessed by Ceres.

4.8 x 10^29 J


Egg A is dropped from a height of 1m onto the floor. Egg B is  dropped from a height of 1m into a bucket of water. Which  statement correctly describes why Egg B does not break?

EggB experiences less force over a longer time.


Which of the following represents a negative displacement?

An object moving backward


Rank the magnitude of  acceleration from least to greatest?



Which of the following is an example of two-dimensional motion with constant acceleration?

A ball thrown at an angle


An 8 kg dog is running at 4 m/s. What is the kinetic energy of the dog?



What is an object's change in momentum equal to?

the change in velocity of the object


 If an object has a constant velocity, what can be said about its acceleration?

 The acceleration is zero


Kids were playing with balls which are of equal mass. They kicked them with different forces. Which one accelerated more?

Red ball since force and acceleration are directly related.


A plane traveling at a constant horizontal velocity drops a package. If the package experiences no air resistance, describe the path of the package in relation to the position of the plane.

The package will gradually fall behind the horizontal position of the plane as it falls through the air.


Use the scenario to answer the following question. 

A student hits a hockey puck with a hockey stick and the puck speeds up.  Another student claims that the student broke the Law of Conservation of  Momentum because the puck gained momentum.  

Which of these is the BEST explanation of why the Law is not  broken in this closed system?

The hockey stick loses as much momentum as the puck gained.


How did the addition of the bag of marbles affect the velocity of  the cart?  

" style="display: block; overflow-wrap: break-word; overflow: auto hidden; text-align: start;">

Use the information and picture to answer the following question. 

Students were tasked with dropping a 0.2 kg bag of marbles straight  down into a 1.0 kg toy cart moving at 3.0 m/s. The students compare the  velocity of the cart before and after the marbles are dropped. 

toy cart

How did the addition of the bag of marbles affect the velocity of  the cart?  

The cart slowed down because it now contained more mass. The momentum of a closed, isolated system is always constant


A race car accelerates uniformly from 18.5m/s to 46.1m/s in 2.47 seconds. Determine the acceleration of the car and the distance traveled.



A soccer player starts at rest and accelerates forward, reaching a velocity of 8.00 m/s in 2.50 s. 

(a) What is her average acceleration?

 (b) What average force?

 Does the ground exert forward on the runner so that she achieves this acceleration? The player’s mass is 70.0 kg, and air resistance is negligible. 

A. a = 8.00m/s / 2.50s = 3.20m/s^2 

B. Fnet=(70.0kg)(3.20m/s^2)=224N 


Which of the following is a mathematical prediction about changes to initial conditions for horizontal projectiles?

Increasing horizontal velocity increases range


The Taipei 101 in Taiwan is a 1667-foot tall, 101-story skyscraper. The skyscraper is the home of the world’s fastest elevator. The elevators transport visitors from the ground floor to the Observation Deck on the 89th floor at speeds up to 16.8 m/s. Determine the power delivered by the motor to lift the 10 passengers at this speed. The combined mass of the passengers and cabin is 1250 kg.

2.06 x 10^5 W


A large, moving truck crashes into a small parked car. How do the  magnitudes of the impulses and the forces on each vehicle  compare during the collision?  

The truck experiences less force but more impulse


An airplane accelerates down a run-way at 3.20 m/s^2 for 32.8s until is finally lifts off the ground. Determine the distance traveled before take-off.



If the car of 75kg is traveling around a curve of radius of 50m at a velocity of 15 m/s, what is the centripetal force of the car?



Consider a ball thrown up from the surface of tl1e earth into the air at an angle of 30° above the horizontal. Air friction is negligible. Just after the ball is released, its acceleration is:

Upwards at 9.8 m/s2


During the Powerhouse lab, Jerome runs up the stairs, elevating his 102 kg body a vertical distance of 2.29 meters in a time of 1.32 seconds at a constant speed.

a. Determine the work done by Jerome in climbing the stair case.
b. Determine the power generated by Jerome.

A. 2.30 x 103 J 

B.  1.73 x 103 W 


Little Tammy lines up to tackle Jackson to (unsuccessfully) prove the law of conservation of momentum. Tammy mass is 34.0 kg and Jackson is 54.0 kg. Jackson is running at a velocity of 3.0 m/s. What must tammy's minimum velocity be in order to stop Jackson's forward momentum?

162 kg x m/s
