Pollution Problems
Sustainable Science
All About Animals

This term is used for an animal or plant that has entered and established in an area where it is not native. It usually has negative impacts on the ecosystem

What is an invasive species?


The natural home or environment for an organism

What is a habitat?


The Toyota Prius is one of the most common examples of this type of car, using both battery and gas power

What is a hybrid vehicle?


This is the word given to an animal group that no longer roams the face of the earth

What is extinct?


This is the name of the person standing in front of you, who wants to teach environmental science as a career

Who is the amazing, wonderful, talented Anthony Mills?


This nuclear reactor site had a meltdown in 1986 and still devastates animals and plants to this day

What is Chernobyl?


This word for a collection of one species is defined as being in the same area and being able to interbreed

What is a population?


A hole in this layer of the earth was caused in the 1980's by releasing aerosol products into the atmosphere

What is the Ozone Layer?


When an animal has a severe threat against it and it could die out soon, it is often given this title

What is an endangered species?


An employee of this organization, the USFS for short, will find themself measuring lots of trees

What is the United States Forest Service?


This area is a low point where water is drained into and collected for a town, although its name sounds more like something you would buy at Home Depot

What is a watershed?

The only known biosphere was named this in the 1400's and still exists today

What is Earth?


The burning of these contributes to greenhouse gasses and is not a renewable way to power our machines

What are fossil fuels?


This scientific term describes when two animals interact with one another, although it isn't always as positive of a relationship as a clownfish and an anemone have

What is symbiosis?


This type of biologist might be working mostly in a submarine or SCUBA gear to find their animals

What is a Marine Biologist?


These two countries are responsible for nearly half of all greenhouse emissions every year

What are the United States (21%) and China (28%)?


This word describes a group of different species interacting in one singular area but does not include the non-living factors that an ecosystem does. Humans also use this word in the same way

What is a community?


This is the name of the scientific field dedicated to ensuring that animals and habitats are still around in the future

What is conservation?


This threat is greatest to species worldwide and will be irreversible by 2050 according to some scientists

What is climate change? (or global warming)


This type of scientist typically studies movements in the Earth's strata and has a job that really "rocks"!

What is a Geologist?


Trees are important to controlling greenhouse gasses because they capture this element from the atmosphere

What is carbon?


This is the role that an organism plays in the ecosystem; when two species try to be the same one it results in competition

What is a niche?


The industrial burning of certain fuel types produces this gas, which now accounts for over 76% of greenhouse gas emissions

What is Carbon Dioxide (CO2)?


This species is almost completely gone, losing all but two remaining individuals to poaching and the ivory trade

What is the White Rhino?


This type of environmentalist typically wears the same uniform as Smokey the Bear, although their job is usually more law enforcement

What is a Park Ranger?
