Christian Formation is the process of becoming more like who?
Christ, Jesus, God
Name three examples that can influence our worldview
Family, Friends, Life Experiences, Culture, Technology, Media
What is the Bible?
God's written word to us
This book tells about Creation, the Fall of humans, the flood, and Abraham and his family
The book of Esther never mentions who by name?
Why do Christians need formation?
We are sinful
Why does everyone have a different worldview?
We have different experiences
What is the Bible not?
God himself
This book tells about a woman who goes to live in Israel with her mother in law and is the great grandmother of King David
Who is thought to have written Genesis
What word means to be bought out of slavery and set free?
What should a Christian worldview be based on?
God and his Word
The Bible has how many books?
This book talks about the Israelites leaving Egypt
What two books of the Bible feature women characters?
Ruth, Esther
Jesus offers us what with his death and resurrection?
Name three of the six essential questions of Worldview
1. Where does truth come from?
2. What is the origin and character of the universe
3. What does it mean to be human?
4. How do we define good and evil?
5. What is the ultimate good?
6. How do we get the ultimate good?
The Bible is many individual books but it tells 1 what?
This book talks about how God used several leaders to deliver Israel from their sin and show the consequences of Israel's sin. Most R rated book in the Bible
How many days did it rain during the flood?
40 days
Christian Formation is what kind of a process?
A life long process
Why is it important to study Worldview?
It makes us critical thinkers and helps us to put our beliefs and behaviors into perspective
Who do we need to help us with understanding and applying the Bible?
The Holy Spirit
This book talks about Israel's return from exile in Babylon and rebuilding Jerusalem
What country publishes the most Bibles