Fire 101
Safety Steve Once Said..
"You need to leave!"
Codes and Gnomes
"Powerpoint is Boring"

PASS is an acronym used to properly operate this device

What is a Fire Extinguisher? (Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep)


Safety Steve thinks he is good at math and said there are 7 fire extinguishers in the TABS/ATLAS Suite, when in fact there are this many

What is six? (There are only 6 fire extinguishers, one more located in the hallway) 


This machine can be located at the entrance and exit of the office

What is an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) machine?


A gnome sees another gnome having a medical emergency. They should call out this code

What is a Code Blue?


Missed the safety meeting with the boring powerpoint? Maybe you can find it on this channel in TEAMS (Hint it used to be called safety hotline bling)

What is Safety 360 ATL?


You should call this code if there is a fire in the building

What is a code red?


Steve truly believes that the Chick-fil-A corporate office is on the fourth floor of this building, when in actuality it is this health care provider

What is Kaiser Permanente?


You might see one of these people in vests as you are evacuating the building

What is a floor warden? 


These gnomes need light at night to work and will place these devices on some of the outlets in the office

What are Flashlights? 

There is only one of these stations in the office and it's located near the main entrance of the office

What is an eye wash station?


In 1991, this movie was released and by the same name, showed how these oxygen-induced infernos caused an explosion

What is Backdraft? (a deflagration resulting from the sudden introduction of oxygen into a ventilation-limited space containing unburned fuel and gases)


Steve said that Ottomans are used for more then just sitting on and knows they can even store this item

What are disaster kits?


We have to ask, what is the first and last thing you do when you enter or exit the suite?

What is move your magnet/nametag?


Two Gnomes are seen having a dispute over cookies in the parking lot and the supervising gnome calls this code

What is a Code Green?


This meme of a cartoon dog is known for sitting in a room full of flames while having a quote bubble that says the following

What is this is fine?

These four essential steps should be taken when you discover a fire and appear as this acronym

What is RACE? (Rescue, Alarm, Contain, Extinguish)


Steve once said that a waterfall comes out of the emergency water sprinklers, when in actuality it is this amount of water

What is 35 to 150 gallons of water per minute? (The average is about 60)


Scanning this QR code, located on the evacuation maps, with your work phone will take you to this web page

What is Policy Manager?


DOUBLE POINTS! Safety Steve thinks he is the boss (he is not) and can be found in this location. First team to find Safety Steve wins

Good Job! 


In 1973, according to the National Fire Protection Association, you should do these three in things in the following order

What is Stop, Drop and Roll?

No, we do not meet at Panera after evacuating the building, but must meet at this location which is often referred to as

What is the Safe Refuge? 


Steve likes to sing this song, but only knows the lyrics "do you remember?"  sang by this 1970's band 

Who is Earth, Wind and Fire?


It's true that when evacuating you should not take the elevator and use only one stairway to evacuate

What is False? (There are two stairways located on this floor)


This Gnome doesn't come from the Fundamentals office, but can be seen traveling all over the world and works for this travel company

What is Travelocity? (The Roaming Gnome)


This lovable character, from a sitcom about office life, once set his office on fire because powerpoints are boring (Note: Must be first and last name)

Who is Dwight Schrute?
