The procedure for dialing 911 from an office landline
What is 9-9-1-1
The AED and First Aid stations are located in this room
Where is the copy/supply room
Stop, drop, and roll
What is what to do if your clothing catches fire
Powder spilling from a package could be this substance. Also the name of an American thrash metal band formed in 1981
What is Anthrax
This is who you call in the event of a power outage or natural gas leak
Who is: NorthWestern Energy
The individual position with the ultimate authority for an emergency within the building
Who is the Forest Supervisor or Acting Forest Supervisor
AED stands for this
What is: Automated External Defibrillator
You may re-enter the building only after this
What is consulting your ranking line officer
These are examples of suspicious packages or mail
What is:
Foreign Mail, Air Mail, and Special Delivery
Powder spilling from package/envelope
Oily stains or discolorations
No return address
Rigid envelope
Lopsided or uneven envelope
Protruding wires or tinfoil
Excessive securing materials (tape, string, etc.)
A term used for staying put until further notice
Step one in an emergency evacuation situation
What is pull the fire alarm
Information you will need to relay to an emergency operator
What is:
Your name and victim’s name
Building address/location
Telephone number
Nature of the problem.
Do not hang up until the 9-1-1 operator tells you to.
In the event of an evacuation, this is where we meet as a group for roll call
What is in the grass lot behind the west parking lot
Three steps to take if you receive suspicious mail
What is:
Evacuate people from the area
Call 9-9-1-1
Secure the building and restrict access until Law Enforcement arrives
Matt discourages travel during this type of weather
What is poor road conditions such as rain, sleet, snow, ice, dense fog, etc.
How to be prepared BEFORE an emergency occurs
What is:
Where is the closest exit and secondary exit?
Where are the AED and First Aid kits?
Where is the closest emergency (fire) pull alarm? (FYI- one at each exit)
Who to call in an emergency?
Four steps rescuers trained in First Aid/CPR/AED will take in the event of a medical emergency
What is:
1. Yell for help
2. Appoint specific person to call 9-1-1
3. Unresponsive & Pulseless patient: C-A-B: Compressions: Perform 30; Airway: Open/ Look/Listen/Feel; Breathing: Give 2 breaths. Provide appropriate First Aid if qualified
4. Keep patient still and warm until help arrives
Coats, hats, keys, wallet, and purses
What is: what to bring with you if they are immediately available
This is what NOT TO DO in the event you receive suspicious mail
What is:
DO NOT HANDLE! Put it down and move away immediately.
Do not use two-way radios or cell phones, the signals emitted from these have the potential to detonate a bomb.
Do not activate the fire alarm – again, the signals emitted could detonate a bomb.
Do not touch or move a suspicious package.
This is what not to do if you see a moose in the parking lot.
Go in for some cuddles or try to ride it to Dairy Queen
The flashing yellow lights on the ceiling and their purpose
An emergency evacuation alarm that utilizes flashing lights to notify all occupants of the emergency. The activation button is located at the front desk.
The Supervisors Office address
What is 1801 N. 1st St 59840
This is why it is important to have guest sign in and for employees to sign in/out on the whiteboards.
What is to help assist floor monitors in the event of an evacuation. Floor Monitors will sweep their assigned area to ensure all individuals are evacuated and they will assist in evacuating employees as needed. Floor Monitors are listed in the table below and can be identified by a brightly colored reflective vest. They will conduct a role call when we are gathered at the grass lot.
Emergency Coordinator(s)
Jamie Romero
Kyle Troop (Secondary)
Engineering Monitors
Josh Wagner
Shawn Boelman
Fire Staff Monitors
Matt Young
Tyler Brothers
Resources Staff Monitors
Anna Crockett
Matt Werle
DNRC/RC&D Staff Monitors
Signals emitted from a fire alarm have the potential do this
What is detonate a bomb
This is how many people in this room that are currently trained in CPR and First-Aid
Raise your hand and we'll all find out together