What is the latest Monthly Broadcast?
What is January Broadcast?
What is the longest book in the Bible?
What is Psalms?
Who is the greatest man that ever lived?
What is Jesus?
What is Jehovahs four cardinal qualities?
What is love, wisdom, power, and Justice?
When did the seven times end?
what is 1914?
on average, how many monthly broadcast do we get each year?
What is 12?
Which section of the Bible the most Bible books, Christian or Hebrew?
What is The Hebrew Scriptures?
What is the name of the person who lived the longest on the Earth?
What is Methuselah?
How long did it take Jehovah to make the earth?
What is six days or 6000 years?
How does Jehovah answer prayers?
What is through Jesus Christ?
Where are the monthly broadcast recorded?
What is that at World headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses/Bethel?
How many books of the Bible are there?
What is 66?
Who was anointed to became King at a very young age?
What is David?
Name two rivers, Jehovah caused to split
What is the Red Sea and the Jordan River?
What does the number seven mean in the Bible?
What is completeness?
What song is the monthly broadcast theme song taken from?
What is song 72?
What is the second largest book in the Bible?
What is Isaiah?
Which Bible character walked with the true God”?
What is Noah?
Which creation of Jehovah is never the same?
What is sunrise/sunset?
Happiness is a byproduct of what two qualities?
What is Faith and love?
Between the first ever monthly broadcast, and this month broadcast, how many monthly broadcast has there been?
What is 106?
Why is the Bible so important? (in ur own words)
That’s not a right or wrong answer.
Name six of Jesus apostles
What is Simon(Peter), Andrew, James the son of Zebʹe·dee, John, Philip, Bar·tholʹo·mew, Thomas, Matthew, James the son of Al·phaeʹus, Thad·daeʹus, Simon the Ca·na·naeʹan, and Judas Is·carʹiot
What is Jehovah‘s greatest gift?
What is Jesus sacrifice?
Who is the third most powerful people or group in the universe?
What are the Cherubs?