What Extender is on sale this month?
What do clients get for FREE with every membership?
Free spray, All Access Week
Do we use cold or hot water when making Steramine?
Where do you go to reset a client's password?
What rank will put us in 100% on the Bonus Viewer?
Top 9
Name one lotion that is an Intensifier
Visonary, Jwoww Fit Life or Shore Love, Endless Vacation, Shea You Love Me, Ocean Views
What should we always do when a new client comes into the salon?
Take them on a Tour
When should we clean out the vacuum?
Every night
How many products can you bundle with Buff City Soap to receive 25% Off?
3 or more
How much extra bonus do you receive from Angel Extender this month?
What 2 products do you need to use before you spray?
Exfoliator and Primer
What are the perks of signing up with checking? (2)
$10 Off Club, $30 in Upgrades
What times do we not let dirty beds hit?
UV/Spa and Sunless
20 mins / 30 mins
How many times can a minor tan before their NCR is signed by a parent?
If they are new, zero times. Existing member, one time.
How much bonus do you receive from Checking?
.50 Cents
What is considered a "family" of products?
Body lotion, facial, and extender
What documents do new clients need to sign when signing up for a membership?
Skin Type, NCR, Terms and Polices
Name 3 focus areas to clean on the Versa
Bottom Base, Floor, Cleaning, Columns, Nozzles, Top of Nozzles, Behind booth
Name 3 examples of when you would write a comment on a clients account
Tan time, rain check, lost and found, documents need signed, client issue, bed issue, etc.
What LED Discount does ANY client get when signing up for a membership?
33% OFF
What is the new Faster membership price?
$29.99 a month
Where is the new hidden filters in the Beauty Shaper and what do you clean it with?
Top and bottom of door / Q-tips and a towel
Scenario: Makayla is checked in online for bed 18 at 2:00. Amy is checked in online right behind her at 2:03. They both have not arrived yet. You just had a client come up that is wanting to do bed 18, but it just needs cleaned. What do you tell the client?
Let them know that there is two clients checked in, and they will go first if the other clients do not come in while we are getting it ready. If those client's come in while we are cleaning it, those clients will go first.
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