Mental Health and Substance Abuse
Relapse Prevention
Mental Health Diagnosis
Wild Card
Substance Abuse/Dependency

The following are this type of factors (environmental vs. biological/genetic) factors affecting Mental Health & Substance Use: • Injury to the brain in the womb or during birth • Exposure to drugs in the womb • Exposure to toxins in the environment like lead in lead paint • Nutrition and health while growing up • Where people live, work, or go to school • Familial and social relationships

What is Environmental 

For an extra 100 points name 3 enviornmental factors that increase issues with your mental health and substance use.  


You develop this to help you from having a relapse and have a plan in place for when you have cravings and triggers to use or notice early warning signs of mental health relapse.

What is relapse prevention plan


Additionally, having a mental health d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ puts one at higher risk for developing an addiction.

What is mental health diagnosis

 for 100 extra points give an example of how a mental health diagnosis can make someone at greater risk for substance abuse.


These are examples of 

r _ _ _ x _ _ ion - t _ ch_ _ _ _ _ _: deep breathing grounding meditating stretching

What is relaxation techniques 

for 100 extra points how do you relax?


having an a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ puts one at higher risk for worsening mental health symptoms.

What is addiction 

for 100 extra points give an example of how addiction can worsen mental health symptoms.


Examples of factors (environmental vs. biological/genetic) affecting Mental Health & Substance Use: • Some people may inherit a tendency to become more anxious than most people do, putting them at greater risk for developing anxiety-related mental health problems. • Some people may be biologically predisposed to personality traits or ways of behaving that make it harder for them to stop drinking once they have begun using alcohol.

What is biological. 

For an extra 100 points name 1 biological factor that affects your mental health and substance use.


another name for old patterns of use and cues for using (t _ _ _ _ _ _ s)

What are triggers 

for 100 extra points identify 3 triggers


__________ is a psychiatric diagnosis in which a person experiences a very low or _______ mood. At the same time the person may also experience changes in other areas such as sleep and appetite. _________ differs from normal sadness or “feeling blue” in that it causes severe enough problems to interfere with a person's day-to-day functioning. People's experience with ______ varies. Some people describe it as a total loss of energy or enthusiasm to do anything. Others may describe it as always feeling like something very bad is about to happen.

What is depression/depressed 

For 100 extra points can you describe a time you were depressed?


The rewarding/pleasure chemical:  completing a task, doing self-care activities, eating food, celebrating little wins. (starts with “d”)

What is dopamine


Substance a _ _ _ _, also known as drug a _ _ _ _, refers to a maladaptive pattern of use of a substance that is not considered dependent

What is abuse 

for 100 extra points describe how you "abused" substances


In a more general sense, s_ _ _ _ _ can be the result of trying to deal with negative things in the environment. When people cannot adapt to s_ _ _ _ _, they become more prone to developing, or making worse, substance use or mental health difficulties, particularly if they are also at risk biologically.

What is stress 

For 100 extra points identify 3 things in life that currently stress you and put your mental health and substance recovery at risk.


A relapse is usually the end result of a whole chain of bad decisions. Some of these decisions may seem harmless at the time, or at least that’s what people tell themselves as they are making them. This is how they trick themselves and set themselves up for relapse -by making a series of bad choices that put them in one of their high-risk situations. One of the best ways to keep themselves from making these bad decisions is through knowing which early w _ _ _ _ _ _ - s _ _ _ _ tell them that they are heading toward relapse. If they know what their w _ _ _ _ _ _ - s _ _ _ _ are, they can get extra help or make changes to prevent themselves from relapsing.

What are early warning signs 

For 100 extra points give an example of one of your early warning signs


Everyone has ups and downs in mood; happiness, sadness, and anger are normal emotions and are a normal part of everyday life. In contrast, _______ (diagnosis) is a medical condition in which people have changes in mood that are out of proportion to other things going on in their lives. These changes in mood can affect a person’s thoughts, feelings, physical health, behavior, and functioning. ________ diagnosis is not the person’s fault, nor is it the result of a “weak” or "unstable" personality. It is a treatable medical diagnosis for which there are specific medications and other therapies that help most people.

What is bipolar


The mood stabilizer: sun exposure (be sun safe), meditating, running, being in nature. (starts with “s”)

What is serotonin


When an individual persists in use of alcohol or other drugs despite problems related to use of the substance, substance d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _may be diagnosed. Compulsive and repetitive use may result in tolerance to the effect of the drug and withdrawal symptoms when use is reduced or stopped. This, along with Substance abuse are considered Substance Use Disorders.

What is dependence 

for 100 extra points describe how you were dependent on a particular substance.


While risk factors make people more prone to experiencing substance use and mental health issues, p_ _ t _ _ t_ ve factors serve to help buffer or shield people from the effects of negative things going on in their lives. As a result, p_ _ t _ _ t_ ve factors can help prevent or lessen substance use or mental health issues.

What is protective 

for 100 extra points name 1 protective factor you have (i.e. coping skills, supportive people, etc.)


These help you manage cravings, triggers, stress, anger, anxiety, depression (things you do to calm down and not use and/or to deal with life without substances)

What is coping skills 

for 100 extra points ID 3 coping skills


Everyone experiences feelings of _______ or stress and worry from time to time. _______ is a normal part of life and only becomes a problem when it reaches levels that interfere with people’s daily lives. Chronic _____ can have harmful effects on the body, on emotional health, and on the ability to think clearly. In essence, it is maladaptive and should be treated. This can be helpful and harmful.

What is anxiety 

for 100 extra points describe some of your symptoms when you become anxious/have panic attack.


The love hormone:  talking/connecting with someone, hugging your loved ones, playing with a dog, playing with a baby, holding hands. (starts with “o”)

What is oxytocin


___________ can refer to any sort of separation, but is most commonly used to describe the group of symptoms that occurs upon the abrupt discontinuation/separation or a decrease in dosage of the intake of medications, recreational drugs, and alcohol. In order to experience the symptoms of ____________, one must have first developed a physical/mental dependence (often referred to as chemical dependency). This happens after consuming one or more of these substances for a certain period of time, which is both dose dependent and varies based upon the drug consumed. For example, prolonged use of an anti-depressant is most likely to cause a much different reaction when discontinued than the repeated use of an opioid, such as heroin. In fact, the route of administration, whether intravenous, intramuscular, oral or otherwise, can also play a role in determining the severity of _________ symptoms. There are different stages of _________ as well. Generally, a person will start to feel worse and worse, hit a plateau, and then the symptoms begin to dissipate. However, ________ from certain drugs (benzodiazepines, alcohol) can be fatal and therefore the abrupt discontinuation of any type of drug is not recommended without proper medical care.

What is withdrawal 

For 100 extra points what are some symptoms you have experienced when withdrawing?


People who are experiencing mental health difficulties sometimes self-m_ _ _ _ _ _ _ with drugs or alcohol. That is, they turn to substances to help them deal with their mental health difficulties. For example, people who experience anxiety may seek refuge in alcohol. People may also use drugs to elevate their mood or use drugs or alcohol to make them feel mellow and relaxed. However, self-m _ _ _ _ _ _ ing is often ineffective and can lead to other life and mental health issues such as getting into trouble with the law or becoming depressed after repeated use of alcohol to calm one’s nerves.

What is self-medication/medicating 

for 100 extra points give one example of how you have self-medicated in the past.


You can go to one of these to be with others in recovery. This can help you to remember that you can get through this. Get other people’s names and numbers to call in case of future cravings and urges. Try to get a positive person to be a temporary sponsor, and eventually try to get a long-term sponsor. Develop a positive social network of people to spend time with that don’t use or commit crimes.

What are support/12-step groups (AA, NA) 

for 100 extra points who supports you and helps you with your recovery (name 5 people)


The t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  of co-occurring disorders must blend both substance use and mental health issues, with each applied at appropriate times and situations according to the clients’ needs. Sometimes the attempt to obtain professional help can be bewildering and confusing for people who have co-occurring diagnoses.

What is treatment 

for 100 extra points name different types of treatment  


The pain killer:  laughing, exercising, dark chocolate, essential oils. (starts with “e”)

What are endorphins


In what ways has substance use affected your mental health?

