The boys are going to the movies on tomorrow. Which way is boys used?
Plural- no apostrophe
Toward or at the backside of the body
What is posterior or dorsal?
What is an imaginary line?
Body cavity that includes the thoracic, abdominal, pelvic, and abdominalpelvic.
What is ventral body cavity?
Abdominal cavity and pelvic cavity combined is called
What is abdominalpelvic cavity?
If a noun is plural and shows ownership what do you use?
An apostrophe in front of the s
Away from the midline of the body
What is lateral?
a cut is called
What is a section?
This body cavity contains the cranial and the spinal cavity
What is dorsal body cavity?
Spine is what to my back
What is medial?
what is no
Two words only used when describing something on your legs and arms( appendages)
What is distal and proximal?
Divides the body into superior and inferior parts
What is transverse cut or horizontal?
two main internal body cavities
What is dorsal and ventral?
what are the two words you use for arms and legs
What is proximal and distal?
Plural Possessive
What is proximal?
Closer to the attachment of the body
A cut dividing the body into anterior and posterior parts
What is frontal or coronal?
This body cavity is much larger than the dorsal body cavity
What is ventral body cavity?
Abdominopelvic region is broken into how many regions
What is 9?
Attorney's fee is an example of what?
what is possessive noun ('s)
What is dorsal?
Another word for posterior
Cutting a part of the body, separating the left and right but not in equal parts.
What is sagittal?
This separates the thracic cavity from the rest of the ventral body cavity
What is diaphragm?
The abdominopelvic has how many quadrants
What is 4?
when is the only time you do not use an apostrophe
what is when a noun is plural and does not show possession
My stomach is what to my back
What is anterior?
Separate the body into left and right parts equally
What is midsagittal?
Body cavity that is superior and is separated from the rest of the ventral body cavity
What is thoracic body cavity?
Position that doctors used when describing the body
What is the anatomical position?
Which sentence is correct?
a.) The children toys
b.) The students' books
c.) The cloud's temperature
B. What is the students' books
Away from the head
What is inferior?
Transverse section ( also called)
What is Horizontal or cross section?
Your feet are what to your knee
What is distal?
Your hips are what to your stomach?
What is lateral?