Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4

1.1 direct and indirect questions ex 1

1 c) 2 b) 3 e) 4 a) 5 f) 6 d)


2.1 present perfect simple and continuous ex 1

1 c) 2 a) 3 c) 4 b) 5 a) 6 c) 7 b) 8 c) 9 b) 10 c)  


3.1 narrative tenses ex 1

1 1 a), 2 b) 

2 1 b), 2 a) 

3 1 a), 2 b) 

4 1 a), 2 b) 

5 1 b), 2 a)  


4 .1 present and past habit ex 1

1 a) 

2 a), c) 

3 c) 

4 c) 

5 a) , c)  


1.2 Present Perfect ex 1

1 b) 2 b) 3 a) 4 b) 5 c) 6 b) 7 b) 8 c)  


2.2 the passive ex 2

1 you given  

 2 you ever been told  

 3 he being followed  

 4 Will he be arrested  

 5 The missing girl can’t be found   

6 An announcement will be made 


3.1 narrative tenses ex 3

1 ’d been training  

 2 hadn’t eaten  

 3 ’d been cooking  

 4 had been going  

 5 ’d been studying  

 6 had stolen 


4 .1 present and past habit ex2

 1 used to get up/would get up  

2 would usually cycle 

 3 used to go/would go 

 4 used to be 

 5 used to be 

 6 used to work/would work 

 7 didn’t use to have 

 8 used to give/would give 

 9 used to get 

10 used to complain/would complain 

11 used to spend/would spend 

12 used to be  


1.2 Present Perfect ex2

1 saw 2 were 3 ’ve gone 4 read 5 has been 6 took 7 played  8 ’ve managed  


2.2 the passive ex3

1 was surprised  

 2 has just been reported  

 3 voted  

 4 have recently been allowed  

 5 believe 


3 .3 expressing likes and dislikes ex1

2 He’ s really into writing computer code.   

3 I can’t stand selfi sh people.  

 4 What I loved about it was the acting.   

5 The thing I didn’t like was the  soundtrack.  

 6 She’s a big fan of Shakespearean  theatre. 


4 .3 describing procedures and using mirror questions ex1

1 way it 

2 thing the 

3 Then what 

4 is that 

5 object of 

6 the point 

7 key 

8 A er they’ve 

9 aim is  

10 Basically


1.3 polite enquiries ex 2

1 Could you tell me what time the fi lm  starts?  

 2 I wonder if you could help me?   

3 Can you give me some information  about my fl ight, please?  

 4 I’d like to talk to someone about taking  three classes a week.  

 5 I’d appreciate it if someone could repair  it today.  6 

I’m calling to enquire about your recent  job advertisement.  

 7 I would appreciate it if you could check  my order.  

8 Would you mind showing me where I  can leave my coat?


2.3 opinions ex 1

 1 favour of 

 2 not so sure 

 3 got a point 

 4 suppose so 

 5 seems to 

 6 Fair enough  

 7 what you mean 

 8 to some extent 

 9 totally disagree 

10 not convinced  


3 .2 I wish, if only, should have ex 1

 2 If only he would call me.  

 3 She wishes she didn’t have to work  every weekend.  

 4 I wish you would wash up a er  dinner!  

 5 They wish they were (very) rich.   

6 I wish my boss would give me a  better salary.  

 7 Tanya wishes she could play a  musical instrument.  

 8 If only I were more imaginative.  

 9 If only she would stop talking!   

10 If only I had a car.  


4.2 future forms ex1

1 She’s hoping to meet us a er work.   

2 I might be late this evening if my boss  asks me to do overtime.  

3 I’ll give you my answer tonight.   

4 When are they likely to arrive?   

5 What time does the fi lm start?   

6 Jenny is due to retire next year.  

 7 We defi nitely won’t go to Italy again  this year.  

 8 Are you doing anything interesting  this weekend?  

 9 The weather forecast says it will  probably be very cold tomorrow.   

10 I’ll give you my business card now as  I may well forget to do it later


1.1 direct and indirect questions ex 2

1 gone 

Could you tell me how long  you’ve been here?  

 2 you are 

I was wondering which fi lm  you’re seeing tonight?  

 3 do 

They’d like to know what the  mugger looked like.  

 4 of 

To whom am I speaking, please?   

5 to him 

Do you mind me asking you to  tell him the news about the job losses?   

6 There is 

Do you know if there is a  cashpoint near here?  

 7 you got 

Can I ask you where you got  that lovely necklace?  

 8 to teach 

Would you mind teaching me  how to make pizza?  


3 .2 I wish, if only, should have ex2

1 I’d studied 

2 have gone 

3 ’d found 

4 hadn’t got 

5 hadn’t le  

6 not have eaten  
