What does
this mean?
What is the
Central Idea?
Name that
Text Structure!
Who's Point of View?
What is the theme?

having no missing parts or to finish something



The central idea of any text is ....

what the story is mostly about


Key words include first, next, then, last, after, later and finally.

Chronological Order


What point of view uses the words

I, me, and my?

1st person


True or False?

The theme is a lesson learned; the moral of the story.



to be with out something/ having a shortage



The central idea is supported by ...

key details


The author tells what causes something to happen.

Cause and Effect


Which point of view is the narrator outside of the story?

Third person


"You can do it!" shouted her father, as he pushed Chloe and let go.  She was going on her own, but suddenly fell.  She cried, but said, "Again, daddy!" This time she went farther but fell into the ditch.  A few moments later, she was riding down the street, smiling from ear to ear.

Never give up!


What does the word remark mean?

to say something or make a comment


Tomorrow I get to go to my grandparent’s house! It’s always so much fun there. Grandma and Grandpa are taking me to the movies, and then out for ice cream afterwards! Then we are going to camp into the living room and dance to their old records. I can’t wait! What is the CENTRAL IDEA of this passage?

Going to grandma and grandpa’s house will be fun!


Key words include both, same, different, like, unlike, either and as well as.

Compare/ Contrast


I love rock climbing! I go rock climbing every weekend with my dad. It is so fun to be up so high. One day, I hope that I can be a professional rock climber. That would be great!

First person


During a baseball game, Tanner tried to tag a player leaving first base. When the umpire called the player out, Tanner immediately informed the umpire that he in fact did not tag the runner. Two weeks later, the very same umpire was at another one of Tanner’s baseball games. Tanner was playing short stop and tagged a runner as they approached third base. When the umpire called the player safe, Tanner didn’t say a word, but the umpire noticed the surprised look on Tanner’s face. “Did you tag the runner?” she asked Tanner. When Tanner told her that he did tag the runner, the umpire changed her decision and called the player out. The coaches and parents were furious, but the umpire stood by her decision.

It pas to be honest.

Honesty is the best policy. 


something that is very impressive or noticeable



There are many strange but beautiful creatures that live in the coral reef. They are warm and shallow habitats that are home to corals, clams, jellyfish, crabs, and so much more! Even sharks and sea cows can call the reefs their homes. They provide so much for so many creatures, that it’s important to keep our oceans clean, so these animals have a place to live! What is this passage’s CENTRAL IDEA?

Different sea life in the coral reefs


We have celebrated Independence Day with a fireworks show on the first Saturday of July ever since our town was incorporated in 1963. This celebration has brought together the old and the young alike in a mutual display of patriotism and national pride. We regret to inform you that due to problems with the budget, there will be no fireworks show this year... unless we can raise the $20,000 to pay for the show. You can help by donating your old knickknacks. We are having a charity garage sale this Saturday and all proceeds will go toward the fireworks show. If you do not have any knickknacks, we will also accept money, printer cartridges, and old cell phones. Together, we can keep these hard times from becoming bad times.

Problem & Solution


We are going on a camping trip this weekend. My whole family is going and I couldn’t be any more excited! My favorite thing to do when we go camping is roast marshmallows by the campfire.

Third person


What could be a theme of the following:
In 1946, Robinson joined the Brooklyn Dodgers.  He became the first African American to play basball in Major Leagues.  Robinson's first game was opening day of the 1947 season. He faced the Boston Braves.  He also faced a hostile crowd.

Follow your dreams


What does the word tribute mean? 

something that is said or done to show respect for someone's work or actions


Apples can be used to make many delicious treats. Some people like to slice apples and dip them in caramel. Others like to cook apples and make them into applesauce. Maybe you enjoy making apples into a pie. Or maybe you just like to pick them off the tree and take a big bite! There are many ways to enjoy this fruit! What is the CENTRAL IDEA of this passage?

There are many ways to eat an apple.


Fireworks are beautiful; but as with many beautiful things, they are also dangerous. Misusing fireworks can result in property damage, injury, and even the loss of life. Such accidents usually happen for one of two reasons. The operators may be using poorly manufactured products, such as fireworks with fuses that burn too quickly. A defective firework can cause even the most skilled operator to have an accident. Other times, however, it is the operator who is at fault. The operator may be unskilled or distracted and make a mistake, such as setting up an explosion sequence improperly or not accounting for conditions in the environment, like soundproof foaming. For these reasons even the most beautiful fireworks display can turn really ugly really quickly.

Cause & Effect


Looking at the grade on my test, I knew that my parents were not going to be happy.

First person


A Dog, to whom the butcher had thrown a bone, was hurrying home with his prize as fast as he could go. As he crossed a narrow bridge, he looked down and saw his reflection in the quiet water as if in a mirror. But the greedy Dog thought he saw a real Dog carrying a bone much bigger than his own. If he had stopped to think he would have known better. But instead of thinking, he dropped his bone and sprang at the Dog in the river, only to find himself swimming for dear life to reach the shore. At last he managed to scramble out, and as he stood sadly thinking about the good bone he had lost, he realized what a foolish Dog he had been.

Don't be greedy!
