Name two leadership styles
democrático, autocrático, afiliativo, visionario, transaccional
arrange the flags according to the linear system
España, Andalucía, Cádiz
¿Where is the accent of the word "Fue"?
No lleva tilde. Las palabras monosílabas se escriben sin tilde según la regla general.
No obstante la regla general aludida, existen unos cuantos monosílabos de uso frecuente que se escriben con tilde: tú, él, mí, sí, sé, dé, té, qué, quién. Estos monosílabos llevan una tilde llamada diacrítica. Este nombre procede de la voz griega διακριτικός (diakritikós), que significa ‘que distingue’. Se trata, en efecto, de una tilde cuya función es precisamente esa: distinguir palabras de idéntica forma, de las cuales una es tónica (es decir, se pronuncia con acento en la cadena hablada) y otra átona (carece de acento): tú/tu, él/el, mí/mi, sí/si, sé/se, qué/que... Naturalmente, de cada par, se escribe con tilde la palabra tónica.
In what year was America discovered?
What does Jon Snow know?
You know nothing Jon Snow
What is the last level of Maslow's theory?
Visits carried out by any authority of the country other than the head of state
Visitas oficiales
Where is the accent of the word "Heroico"?
La secuencia oi es un diptongo, son por tanto palabras llanas, de tres sílabas y terminadas en vocal que no deben llevar tilde.
year of reconquest of granada
This House could be seen as one of the main antagonists of the show's early seasons, and is known for "always paying its debts
The Lannisters
Name three assertiveness techniques
disco rayado, banco de niebla, acuerdo asertivo, aplazamiento asertivo, pregunta asertiva, ironía asertiva, romper el proceso de diálogo
What men's clothing would you recommend to attend an awards ceremony that takes place in the early afternoon?
El chaqué
Use a word in Spanish with five vowels
"Se sienten, coño"
Who said it?
Antonio Tejero (golpe de estado fallido de 23 de febrero de 1981)
This is the name of the wildling woman Jon Snow held as a prisoner, north of the wall, before she got the upper hand and made him prisoner.
Conflict resolution without resorting to ordinary jurisdiction. The parties, by mutual agreement, decide to appoint an independent third party who will be in charge of resolving the conflict.
Top 3 of the precedences of the authorities in the events held in the autonomous communities
Rey o reina
Reina consorte o consorte de la reina
Príncipe o princesa de Asturias
Carlos's father has 5 children: Pata, Peta, Pita, Pota and ¿?
name two Visigoth kings
Alarico I (395-415)
Ataúlfo (410-415)
Sigérico (415)
Walia (415-418)
Teodorico (418-451)
Turismundo (451-453)
Teodorico II (453-466)
Eurico (466-484)
He spoke the line, "A man without friends is a man without power.
Renly Baratheon
Name all the types of organization charts according to their purpose
Informativos, analíticos, formales e informales
CF: 1000€
CVu: 20€
q= 50
Follow the serie: 1-1-2-3-5-8-¿?
Serie de Fibonacci
"Cry like a woman, what you didn't know how to defend as a man"
who was told that phrase?
Boabdil el chico
This is the name that Ned Stark gives to King Robert when asked about Jon Snow's mother.