This Captain discovered Australia
James _____
James Cook
The Aboriginal story I shared from travelling involved the sharing of blood to tame what animal?
Trivia: How many noses does a slug have?
The Aboriginal religion is PRIMAL, meaning...
One of the oldest religions that came first
Trivia: the world's smallest continent is
The British originally used Australia for...
Prison Colonies
Trivia: What 1997 movie features Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones as undercover secret agents who police extraterrestrials?
Men in Black
Trivia: "The Da Vinci Code" opens with a murder in which famous museum?
Animism is...
All things living and non-living have a spirit
Who were the first two Ancestors?
Father of All Spirits and Sun Mother
Rabits, cane toads and pigs are an example of _____ to the natural habitat
Invasive Species
Traditional wind instrument
The traditional paints were made from what?
Aboriginal set of beliefs or spirituality
The Dreaming
The purpose of dreamtime stories are:
to explain, teach and connect
There are ____ different peoples in Australia, each with their own language and culture
(Answer to the nearest hundred)
Boomerangs are a traditional Aboriginal hunting weapon. The real ones are meant to return after throwing them. True or False?
Three examples of types of Aboriginal art are:
Bark, Dot, Rock, Body
The five types of myths are _____
creation, trickster, hero, divine, cultural
The time before time
The capital of Australia is:
What horror author wrote "It" and "Carrie"
Stephen King
Trivia: What's the fifth sign of the zodiac?
These stories explore the creation of the world
Dreamtime stories
The Ancestor called Goorialla is also known as the ____
Rainbow Serpent