Electricity Generation and Usage
Sources of Electricity in the U.S.
Renewable Energy Technologies
Impacts and Challenges of Renewable Energy
Careers in Renewable Energy + Extra

What are the different ways we generate electricity, and how do we generate it using these methods?

We can use Natural Gas, Petroleum, Renewable Energy, Coal, and Nuclear Energy. We generate Natural gas by heating water to produce steam, which drives a turbine connected to a generator, converting mechanical energy into electrical energy. Renewable energy is generated with hydroelectric, wind, solar, biomass, and geothermal. Nuclear Energy use nuclear reactions, typically nuclear fission, to generate heat. This heat is used to produce steam, which drives turbines connected to generators, converting the heat energy into electrical energy.


Order these sources we generate electricity from, from greatest to least. Natural Gas, Nuclear, Renewable Energy, Coal, Petroleum, 

Natural Gas, Renewables, Coal, Nuclear, Petroleum 


What devices harness wind or solar power for electricity generation?

If somebody doesn't get this - Uh Oh!

Wind power - Wind Turbines 

Solar Power - Photovoltaic (solar) panels


What are some environmental benefits of generating electricity using wind or solar power?

Using wind or solar power reduces greenhouse gas emissions, improves air quality, decreases water usage compared to fossil fuel-based power plants, and reduces dependency on finite resources like coal or natural gas.


What are some careers and jobs involved in developing and installing renewable energy components?

Careers in renewable energy include solar installers, wind turbine technicians, renewable energy engineers, project managers, energy analysts, environmental scientists, sales representatives, research scientists, and energy auditors.


What are the primary methods of moving electricity from power plants to homes?

Transmission lines, which carry high-voltage electricity over long distances, and distribution lines, which deliver lower-voltage electricity directly to homes and businesses.


How much of the U.S. electricity comes from renewable energy sources?

21.3% (According to EIA - Data as of October 2023)


How do solar panels work? Go in detail. 

Solar panels work by converting sunlight into electricity through the photovoltaic effect, where photons from sunlight knock electrons loose from atoms, generating an electric current.


What are some of the local impacts of constructing and operating wind and solar farms?

This includes changes to landscape aesthetics, potential disruption to wildlife habitats, noise during construction and operation, and impacts on local communities' economies, such as job creation or changes in property values.



Even though this is not in the 10 big questions, how many times more jobs does renewable energy produce compared to fossil fuels? Hint - A LOT! (According to ICE Inspire Clean Energy)

Renewable energy creates 5x more jobs than fossil fuels. That's A LOT!!!!


What is distributed generation and why does it matter?

Small-scale electricity generation near the point of consumption, like rooftop solar panels, reducing strain on centralized grid infrastructure. 


How has the proportion of renewable energy in the U.S. electricity generation changed over the past decade?

Wind generation tripled between 2010 and 2021, and overall, (according to Evie) renewable energy usage increased 10%.


What are the different styles of wind turbines, and how do they function?

Horizontal-axis (hawt) and vertical-axis (vawt) turbines capture wind energy, with horizontal turbines having blades rotating around a horizontal axis and vertical turbines having blades rotating around a vertical axis, both driving generators to produce electricity.

Hello :) - Max was here


How do subsidies for renewable energy compare to those for fossil fuels and nuclear energy?

Renewable energy subsidies typically aim to bolster development and deployment through measures like tax incentives and grants. in contrast, subsidies for fossil fuels and nuclear energy have historically been more extensive, encompassing various stages of production, operation, and dEcommissioning, often in the form of direct financial support or tax breaks.


What fields of study are necessary to work in renewable energy careers?

Fields of study necessary for renewable energy careers include engineering (electrical, mechanical, or environmental), science (physics, chemistry, or environmental science), business or project management, and specialized training or certifications in areas like solar installation or wind turbine maintenance. Also, the NABCEP (North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners) board certification allows for more opportunities in the field.


How do we measure and quantify electricity?

Electricity is measured and quantified using units such as watts (W) for power, kilowatt-hours (kWh) for energy consumption, and amperes (A) for electrical current.


What are some primary sources of electricity in different regions of the U.S.?

Coal-fired power plants in regions such as the Midwest and Southeast.

Natural gas power plants, prominent in regions like Texas and the Northeast.

Hydroelectric power, especially in the Pacific Northwest.

Wind power, significant in states like Texas, Iowa, and Oklahoma.

Solar power, particularly prevalent in states with abundant sunlight like California, Arizona, and Nevada.


How do weather and geography impact the production of renewable energy?

Weather and geography affect renewable energy production by influencing factors like wind speed, sunlight intensity, and resource availability, with regions having varying levels of suitability for solar and wind energy generation.


What role does nuclear energy play in a clean energy future?

Nuclear energy offers a reliable, low-carbon source of electricity, contributing to efforts to combat climate change by avoiding greenhouse gas emissions. It provides baseload power and complements intermittent renewables, although challenges like waste management and safety remain.


How can we provide affordable, clean energy to all communities around the globe?

Affordable, clean energy for all communities globally requires investing in renewable infrastructure, promoting energy efficiency, and enacting policies for equitable access. Also, raising money through organizations like the Renewable Energy Microfinance and Microenterprise Program is a good option for poorer countries.


What are the units used to measure electrical energy consumption?

The units used to measure electrical energy consumption are kilowatt-hours (kWh) or megawatt-hours (MWh).


How much does it cost to power an average household in the U.S. each month?

This estimate varies widely depending on factors such as location, energy consumption habits, and the cost of electricity. However, as of recent estimates, it ranges from around $100 to $200 per month.


What are some challenges faced in generating over 50% of electricity from renewable resources in the U.S.?

Include intermittency of wind and solar energy, grid integration issues, storage limitations, infrastructure upgrades, and policy and regulatory hurdles. Additionally, the transition may require significant investment and coordination among stakeholders. (think moolah 💵)


What are smart grids and microgrids, and how do they improve the current power grid?

Smart grids and microgrids use digital technology for more efficient energy management. They improve the grid by enabling better load balancing, quicker outage response, and integration of renewables.


How can we use less electrical energy while maintaining modern conveniences?

We can use less electrical energy by upgrading to energy-efficient appliances, using smart technology, practicing energy-saving habits, and considering renewable energy sources like solar panels. (Think Energy Star)
