N64 Games
GBA Games
DS + 3DS Games
Wii Games
Other (Not) Nintendo Game Trivia

The Nintendo 64 was called this because...

It had a 64-bit CPU. This allowed it to be one of the first game consoles to have 3D graphics.


The GBA stands for...

Game Boy Advance. This console was the fifth Game Boy model, made after the Game Boy Color. 


DS stands for...

Double screen. The 3DS follows this rule, although it's a play on words because it supported "3D" grapics.


 Wii stands for...

Absolutly nothing! Instead of standing for something, "Wii" was meant to sound like "we", because the console was meant to be shared.


For all those Minecraft nerds out there, how long is the default world border?

30,000,000 blocks from each corner. 


How many stars are there in Super Mario 64?

a. 80 b. 100 c. 120 b. 140

120 stars. In many 3D Mario games, it's a common trend to have 120 of something as a callback to Super Mario 64.


A lesser-known version of the GBA was the...

a. Game Boy Advance SP b. Game Boy Micro c. Game Boy Plus

Game Boy Micro. This handheld was released after the DS was released(which is a console we'll get to later) and didn't do very well considering Nintendo was more focused on making games for the DS.  


There are three games in the Legend of Zelda series to feature "cat-eyed Link", which is a name for the style of how Link was modeled in those games. These games are LoZ: Wind Waker, Loz: Phantom Hourglass, and Loz: Spirit Tracks. In what game does Link ride a train?

Loz: Spirit Tracks. The two other games have Link in a boat. Shoutot to Linebeck for being in two of the three games.

This game's mechanics inspired the "Boost Era" of Sonic. (This game wasn't on the Wii, be most of the games from the Boost Era are.) The name for this game is Sonic ____. The word means to *cough* "dash towards something in an attempt to capture or attack."

Sonic Rush, which introduced boosting, which lets Sonic go super fast. Note the "super". Games in the "Boost Era" include Sonic Colors, Sonic Forces, Sonic Generations, and Sonic Unleased.


In the BoxBoy franchise(ok, this is Nintendo but the copyright is with HAL Labs, the same people who made Kirby)the main character can make boxes come out of his body to solve  puzzles. The name of this character is similar to what the shape of a box is. What is his name?

Qbby, pronounced "Cubey". His friends are Qucy, a girl box, and Quby, a tall box.


In The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, which song is played many times throughout the game?

a. Song of Time b. Song of Storms c. Majora's Song

Song of Time. The main story of MM involves playing that song to reset a 3-day cycle over and over again to save the world from being crushed by the moon. 


In The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap, the Three Fairies help Link on his quest(they're optional btw). Their names are the Butterfly Fairy, the Mayfly Fairy, and the _____ Fairy. (Yes, the answer has "fly" in it)

Dragonfly Fairy. Even though the Fairies don't play a large role in this game, they do have a bigger role in the game's sequel, The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords.


On the 3DS, you can buy Shovel Knight, because for whatever reason they put it on three different Nintendo consoles. The other two consoles are the Switch and the ____.

Wii. Now you can shovel on a home console for whatever twisted reason you want!


In the Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, for the whole first part of the game Link is cursed to be a...

a. wolf b. falcon c.bear b. stork

Wolf. After gaining the Master Sword, Link is cleansed of the curse that kept him in wolf form. Don't ask me how he holds the Master Sword if he's as wolf. I haven't played TP yet.


In the game Shovel Knight franchise, how many games are there?

1. five 2. eight 3. three 4. seven

Seven. The games consist of Shovel of Hope, Plague of Shadows, Specter of Torment, King of Cards, Shovel Knight Showdown, Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon, and Shovel Knight Dig.


In Pokemon Snap, a game that revolves around taking pictures of Pokemon, there are only 63 Pokemon. There was originally planned to be 64 Pokemon, yet one was scrapped. This Pokemon was...

a. Bedrill b. Porygon c. Lugia d. Ekans

Ekans. This is because it had too many polygons in the file and had to be scrapped. I would put in a picture but APPARENTLY I HAVE TO PAY 20 DOLLARS JUST TO PUT IN A STUPID PICTURE.


True or False: The MegaMan Battle Network consists of 6 games total, not including spin-offs.

True. Also, if you got this wrong thinking that it could be any other number besides 7, good for you.


Nintendo released a game for the DS, called Personal Trainer: Walking(I own this game, btw). In the game you can trade in "step points" for gallery pictures. How many pictures can you unlock in this game? It's a multiple of ten that's greater than fifty.

100 pictures. For whatever reason, I stoped using the little pedometer that I told everyone was a bomb.

In Splatoon, a game that makes you a squid/kid shooting ink around an area trying to claim as much "turf" as possible, you play as a squid(woah, it's almost like I said it up there). Before Splatoon devs made the main characters squids, they were...

a. rabbits b. hamsters c. octopi d. cats

Rabbits. They though that rabbits could blend in with their surroundings, which is another mechanic in Splatoon. In Splatoon 2, you could also play as octopi; dubbed "Octolings". The squidkids are called "Inklings", so that makes sense.


In the game Hollow Knight, you can equip Charms which change your playstyle. The total amount of Charms in the game is a multiple of ten. How many Charms are there?

40. I like Unbreakable Strength the best. It makes your nail(which is like a sword)really overpowered.

In a certain N64 game, a piece of cheese is hidden in every level. This game is...

1. Perfect Dark 2. Jet Force Gemini 3. Banjo & Kazooie

Perfect Dark, developed by Rare and realesed in 2000. Interestingly, all the games that were options were 


In the second Sonic Advance game, a new character was introduced to the franchise. Actually, there were two characters who went as a pair. The names of these characters were Cream and _____. By the way, their names are something that also go in a pair.

Cheese. Cream was a rabbit who was a girl counterpart to Tails, while Cheese was a Chao who was Cream's companion. Look it up. They're adorable. I mean the Chao, not Cream.


I'm in a time crunch, so tell me what your favorite question was so far. If this is your first question, uh... free points? Either way, it's basically free points.

I have no idea what you just said(since this is pre-typed), but good choice.


Who owned a 24-karat gold Wii in their lifetime? I'll give you a hint: she recently died. (I'm not joking. It really exists)

Queen Elizabeth II. I don't have anything to say for this one, but feel free to look up a picture.


I couldn't think of anything hard for the 500's spot, so I thought I would have whatever team picked this say what their favorite game is. So basically free points. Don't screw this up. It's that simple.

Good for you. Unless it's a game I don't like, but I can't really do anything about that.
