2.15 Search Procedures
2.37 Controlled Substances
2.21 Missing Person/Patient
3.02 Child Abduction
3.06 Bomb Threat

Searches are conducted or requested with concerns that a person has Restricted Items. Name them

What are: items that pose a potential risk of harm to self or others  and include, but are not limited to the following:                
- all medications not prescribed by the present care team, illegal drugs, alcohol, and toxic substances;
                               - matches, lighters, or other flammable sources;
- guns, knives, and other items that readily lend themselves to use as weapons.                      




How many witnesses are required during collection and disposal of controlled substances?

                                                                        All collection and disposal of illegal controlled substances must be witnessed by two parties as protection to Security personnel and staff.                        




What should be the first thing to ask medical staff when arriving?

Is the patient "AT Risk", things that fall under that guideline:                                                             1. A person of any age who is physically or mentally disabled thereby subjecting themselves or others to personal and immediate danger.

2. A person of any age who is missing under circumstances indicating that the disappearance is not voluntary.                                             

3. A person of any age who is in the company of another person under circumstances indicating that their safety is in danger.                   

4. Persons who are subject to court orders for treatment such as those under active Involuntary Commitment Orders (IVC) or a physician’s Emergency Petition for Commitment.








A child abduction may be initiated from what electronic system?

What is the HUGS System. NICU


Who is the only group authorized to release information regarding a bomb threat. 

Who is: Communications Marketing and Media


Patient searches are conducted by who?

What is: Medical Staff, Security may assist if asked. Officer should explain and know the reason for the search. 

 The search policy should be explained before search activity is initiated.                                    

"Looking for Restricted Items"                                   



When an officer takes control of the item, what should they do before disposal?

What is: Notify the owner the item will not be returned to them and take a photograph before destruction. 


If the patient is determined to be At Risk, who should be notified?

If a patient is deemed “at risk” notification to law enforcement should be made without delay.




                                                                        Without further verification, ECC personnel will provide the following by radio broadcast:                        



                                                                  Physical description of the patient.                       Physical description of the abductor (if known   Direction of travel and other information.                        




If a threat is credible, how is the notification made. 

What is: An overhead announcement by ECC


Can a patients belongings be searched? Why?

What is YES!                                                          Patients may have their belongings searched for restricted items by staff when the patient care team has reasonable suspicion to believe such items are present. A belongings search may include a search of the patient’s personal belongings, or any item present in the patient’s room. (This would exclude those items belonging to another patient in semi-private rooms unless reasonable suspicion exists for that patient’s property.) Items belonging to visitors and/or family members are subject to search.                  




How much is considered a small amount, and may be either flushed or placed in chemical container for destruction? 

What is:  Small amounts (less than one ounce) may be disposed via the septic system by flushing. Only the substance itself will be flushed; packaging and containers will not be discarded via the septic system.                        




If a patient is “wandering” or has left AMA, with concern. What should be done and who should be notified?



A BOLO put out by ECC and check the area and campus. Law Enforcement should be notified to conduct a Health and Welfare check at listed residence.


When confirmation of an abduction has been made, Emergency Communications will:                        



                                                                    Notify law enforcement and make administrative notifications defined by checklists to include both Security Administration and Risk Management.
Activate MIR-3 alerts to all registered persons.

Activate designated door controls to minimize egress from campus facilities.                        




Name at least 5 things that make a package suspicious?

no return address, the return address is different from the location where mailed (post marked), or mailed from an unusual or unknown location.

 Incorrect spelling, address is poorly typed; address has an incorrect title or uses only your title and no name, restrictive markings such as “Confidential” or “Personal”.  excessive postage.  an unusual odor.      oily stains on the package, or protruding wires, string, or tin foil.   unusual size, shape, weight, or balance of weight in the package.

 The envelope
or package is rigid or the contents are lopsided or uneven.


      excessive string or tape to secure the package.                    





Can the patient be searched? Why?

  A search of a patient’s person may be conducted when the care team has reasonable suspicion that the patient is concealing restricted items. Patient searches may be conducted in conjunction with a belongings search.                    




Who should witness the destruction with the Officer? Preferably?

  Security’s destruction should be witnessed by a staff member, preferably the member reporting the discovery.                        




What is an important question to ask staff about the patient's medical status?


Ask the nursing unit if the patient has an active commitment order (IVC). If an order exists, ECC personnel will immediately follow notification checklist.




Name the locations zones officers will respond to: Modifications made by supervisor may be needed.

zone 1. 1st fl Watlington Hall at staircase

zone 3. Outside Cancer Center watching ED Drive

zone 8. Grnd Ardmore walkway to Cancer Center

zone 9. Horseshoe area

zone 6. ED Dock

zone 5. Patrol perimeter


If evacuation is needed, what routes are used.

Use fire evacuation routes (horizontal if possible)




Can you search visitors, What is needed to perform search and what should follow if the visitor declines?

                                                                           Search of a visitor or family member may only be conducted by consent.                          
Consent to search will only be requested when the patient care team has reasonable suspicion to believe that the visitor is concealing prohibited/ restricted items.  Persons (visitors or family) may withdraw consent at any time.   If withdraw happens, person will be requested to leave property. If they refuse, Trespass may be needed.           







Who should be notified if the amount is greater than 1 once?

   Security Administration will be notified of amounts exceeding one ounce. Based on the circumstances, quantities exceeding one ounce may be stored in the Security Services Evidence Room for possible collection/destruction by law enforcement.                        




What information should the officer obtain from staff regarding the patient? Name at least 3.

Physical Description (Age, height, weight, DOB       Mental/Physical Condition
Clothing Description, Direction/Mode of Travel
Possible Destination                          



Possible Destination



    Reason for Absence


    Persons in the company of                                Date/Time/Location last seen                       VehicleDescription(IfApplicable)                        





Name at least 3 types of alarms from the Hugs System that require officer assistance. 

EXIT ALARM ,TAMPER ALARM, Tag Loose Alarm      Strap Detached Alarm, Staff Supervision Timeout Alarm, Door Ajar Alarm:  





When searching a room, what heights should you use. There are 4 list them.

Floor to waist

Waist to Chin

Chin to ceiling

False Ceiling
