What is S-Dawg's favorite color?
What is SANJAY's favorite dance music?
Electronic Dance Music
What band did Sanjay dress up as for Halloween that one time?
Blink 182
What is the nickname Sanjay's parents call him?
"Chano" which means "chickpea"
What did Sanjay do to get a free burrito from Chipolte?
he wrapped himself with foil to get a free burrito at Chipotle
What is Sanjay's favorite type of beer?
Imperial Stout beers
What is SuNjAy's favorite thing to talk about?
Stocks and money
What signature cartoon character was on Sanjay's first pair of glasses?
Mickey Mouse
What car did Sanjay drive before his current car, the white Honda Civic?
black Honda Accord
What is Sanjay's favorite exercise?
What is SSSSSSanjay's favorite dessert?
What is Sanjay's favorite drink in the morning?
What is the name of the town Sanjay is from?
Grew up in San Bernardino
then moved to Redlands, California
Where did Sanjay work before becoming a doctor? During his high school.
Donut Shop
What sport did Sanjay play in high school?
What is SUNJAY's favorite meal?
Sushi - specifically salmon sashimi
Who is sANJAY's favorite sister?!
Who hid in the bushes to take pictures of Amanda and Sanjay's engagement in Bryant Park, NYC?
What prompted the FBI to knock on Sanjay's door when he was just a kid?
one time he downloaded music illegally as a teen and the FBI came to his house and his mom was like he’s just a kid leave him alone
What type of vehicle to Sanjay drive on Grenada?
A scooteer
Who is Sanjay's favorite dog?
Panny and blue! He can't choose between his children
What did Sanjay buy with the money he gained from Crypto currency?
Amanda's wedding ring
What is Sanjay's preferred outfit? (does not matter if it is winter)
Sanjay’s dress code is t-shirt, shorts and sandals
Doesn’t matter the weather cold or hot. It’s his dress code.
When Sanjay and I (Dannish) first travelled to Grenada in January, we had a layover over in NY. It was feeezing cold and snowing outside and Mr. Sanjay was walking around in a t-shirt, shorts and sandals
As a child, what would Sanjay always order on the menu?
The most expensive thing on the menu
What parade was Sanjay's recently the star of?