Myth Moments
Food Science
Types of Fats
Fatty Matters
Fun with Fats Trivia
Myth or Fact: Fats function to help our heart health, help w/ meeting our energy needs, help w/ skin integrity, and help protect your body (help cell structure).
What is a Fact

This method of cooking was initially invented by the Ancient Egyptians, later used by the Greeks, and progressed all the way up to the Depression as a way to preserve foods, especially proteins.

What is frying?


This fat is liquid at room temperature.

What are mono and polyunsaturated fats like vegetable, nut, and seed oils. 


These fats are considered essential for us, and usually come from food.  Sometimes, your doctor may ask you to supplement.

What are omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids?


The Aztecs used this seed as currency

What are chia seeds?


Fact or Myth: This type of fat, which is solid at room temperature, is one you should never eat.

What is saturated fat, and this is a myth.

Fat is used in cooking to create what Textures?

What is crispy or crunchy?


This fat is high in monounsaturated fat and often referred to as EVOO.

What is Extra Virgin Olive Oil. 


Dry eyes, itchy flakey skin, and bruises are a sign of what macronutrient deficiency?

What is Fatty Acid deficinecy?


One Engineer spent this many years studying the crunchiness of chips?


b) 2

c) 6

What is 6.
Myth or Fact: You should never eat the egg yolk, because it is high in cholesterol. 

What is Myth.  Egg yolk contains more vitamins/minerals than cholesterol, and should be eaten as a regular part of your daily diet.

In a food item, like yogurt, when fat is reduced from 4% to lowfat or fat free, what two ingredients are increased?

What are sugar and sodium?


This type of fat, is often avoided, but it is high in Vit A and D and some of it, can help improve flavor, like  popcorn or mashed potatoes.

What is saturated fat from dairy, like butter?


Is it omega-3 or omega-6 fatty acid that is the only one that is essential to your body?

What is, omega 3 fatty acids found in flaxseeds, walnut seeds, and salmon and cod?


What is the average number of licks to finish a scoop of ice cream?

What is 50?


Some chefs are now encouraging people to avoid using oils made from these plant sources on social media.

What are seed oils.

People are always looking for the next magic bullet- usually it's about what to add or remove from our diet to make all of our problems go away.  Seed oils include cotton seed, grapeseed, sunflower and safflower oils. The problem with these oils is that they are less expensive and so are often used in pre-packaged processed foods and in fast food preparations.  It's more the frequency of these foods, rather than the oils, that is the problem


T or F: Plant based fats have different uses in our diet.  For example, some tolerate higher cooking temperatures and some are better on salads.

What is true.

As a bonus, does anyone know which plant- based oils are best to fry in?


Fats made from these plant products, can be eaten alone or made into oils.  They are high in polyunsaturated fats.

What are nuts and seeds?


Multiple Choice:Fats help you to absorb which vitamins?


b) Calcium and Magnesium


What is C?


Chicken Nuggets were created by a professor at what Ivy League School?

What is Cornell University?

Myth or Fact: At a routine physical, your cholesterol levels come back high.  Your first instinct is to cut out dietary fat, because this is the best way to correct this.

What is myth.


Fat in a meal, helps us to feel what, after eating?

What is satisifed? Why? Because it adds crunch, and smoothness and so that aides to our senses and hormones letting us know we are full. 


These fats can make you think of tropical islands, and some people feel they are in the same class as saturated fats, because they are solid at room temperature.

What are coconut and palm kernal oil?


This oil is high in monounsaturated fats,and is an excellent source of Vitamin E too.

What is olive oil?


What celebrity TV chef popularized the phrase: "EVOO?"

Who is Rachel Ray?
