The a small single building block for all of matter.
If you think of a human, we are made up of billions of ______?
Bacteria belong to this cellular category?
A scientists wouldn't know a bacteria or archaea are different unless they looked at the ____ ____.
The molecular level -- they have all the same cell structures and look identical to bacteria.
Humans are more closely related to fungi because they are both _____
The DNA material in a bacteria or archaea cell.
If we look inside a cell, we can see it is made up of several _____ _________, like mitochondria or a nucleus.
cell structures
The way bacterium reproduces is called _____ _____.
Binary fission -- it is the dividing of the mother cell into daughter cells. It is the same cell just split into two.
It wasn't until the _____ that scientists realized archaea were different from bacteria.
True or false: Fungus are decomposers
a living organism that has no nucleus--this word describes a specific classification of life.
By the time you can see bacteria there are at least _____ of them. This is called ______ growth.
1,000,000 and exponential growth
True or False: Archaea are more closely related to the human cell than a bacteria cell.
True! This is almost incredible because archaea are prokaryotes.
True or False: Unlike bacteria, there are no fungus that are harmful.
False--there are poisonous mushrooms and mold and mildew that can also be harmful.
These are the reproductive cells of a fungus. We made prints of these.
If you want to see what molecules are made up you would be looking at the ____ level. Things like hydrogen, oxygen and carbon are at this level.
True or False: Bacteria are relatively new to planet earth and were discovered in the 1600s.
False: They have been here for 3.5 billion years.
True or False: Archaea only live in very extreme places.
False: They can live in extreme places, in us, but do not cause disease.
This is a type of organism that breaks down dead things and returns the material back to the soil.
Sometimes cell structures are also called ______.
What are the three main shapes to bacteria?
sphere, rod or spiral
True or False: Archaea can live in extreme places that have high heat or high salt.
There is only 1 cell structure that fungi don't have, that animal cells do have. What is it?