VS Code, Sublime, and Notepad++ are examples of this.
Text Editor
These values are passed into a function when it is called.
This method will add an element to an array
This error type will not cause any warnings or notifications to the user or developer.
Logic Error
This object represents "the entire webpage" in the DOM.
HTTPS is an acronym for this standard.
HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure
an unnamed function that is executed immediately.
Anonymous Function
Bonus: What advanced JS feature allows for shorter anonymous functions?
This method will add new items to the beginning of an array.
This control structure is used for handling errors.
Try, Catch
Bonus: What related statement will ensure a block of code will run regardless of whether or not an error occurs.
This method us used to select all elements that match a specified CSS selector.
This statement indicates you want your code to be evaluated as a duck typed script.
use strict;
This happens when an extra argument is sent to a function.
It is ignored
This flow control feature repeats a block of code a number of times.
For Loop
Bonus: What method executes a given function for each array in an element?
This statement will programmatically generate an error.
This method will remove a specific attribute from an element.
This is the international, standardized version of JavaScript
This feature allows functions to be called with any number of arguments
... (The "rest" parameter)
this method creates a new array with all elements that pass a test implemented by a provided function.
This object is typically thrown as an error, and is used/modified for custom error handling.
Error Object
This method will add HTML content to the end of an element in the DOM.
This is how you indicate a strict comparison in a condition statement.
This value is returned when a function ends without a return statement.
This is the output for the following code:
function mysteryFunction() {
var output = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
output.push(function() { return i; });
return output;
var result = mysteryFunction();
This type of error occurs when you use an undeclared variable
This method will create an exact copy of a node, optionally including all its children.