We are Family
Do you know about Eating Disorders?
Child & Adolescent
What's my Age Again?
Are you ready for the NCLEX?

This type of family have multiple generations or nuclear units that live and operate as a family unit. 

Extended Family


This includes an earlier age at onset and below-normal body weight, the client fails to recognize the eating behavior as a problem.



This disorder is when the child has abnormal or impaired development in social interaction and communication, and a restricted selection of activity and interests, some of which may be considered somewhat bizarre



This is a cognitive test that measures cognitive ability, not functioning. 

Mini-mental status exam


A client with anorexia weighs less than 85% of the client's normal body weight. The client says, "I'm so fat, I can't even get through this doorway, much less fit into any of my clothes." Which is the nurse's most therapeutic response? 

A. Let's talk about your ideas about your body and why you perceive yourself to be fat."

B. "You must try and stop thinking that way. Let's think of some alternative ideas for describing your body."
C. "I understand what you are saying. However, you are under your ideal body weight, and it is causing you to have the medical problems that we have talked about."

D. "You only weigh 100 pounds. It is just not true that you are fat."

C. "I understand what you are saying. However, you are under your ideal body weight, and it is causing you to have the medical problems that we have talked about."


This is when an individual changes from one role to another in the family.

Role shifting 


This consists of recurrent episodes of eating significantly more than most people would in a similar period of time under similar circumstances.

Binge Eating Disorder


This is characterized by impairments in measured intellectual performance and adaptive skills across multiple domains.

Intellectual Developmental Disorder (IDD)


This is “Making up” answers when unable to remember or connect information. This is done to fill in memory gaps.



A nurse is reviewing the history and physicality of an adolescent client who has conduct disorder. Which of the following is an expected finding? 

A. Death of client's father two months ago 

B. Experiences frequent facial tics 

 C. Suspended from school several times in the past year  

D. Adheres strictly to routines

C. Suspended from school several times in the past year


This family boundary is when there is decreased communication, lack of support & responsiveness, interaction is prohibited or follows rules.



This has a later age at onset and near-normal body weight. They are usually ashamed and embarrassed by the eating behavior.



This is a pattern of rapid onset, short duration outbursts of physical aggression aimed towards other persons, objects, even themselves

Intermittent Explosive Disorder


Characterized by a disturbance in level of awareness and a change in cognition. Develops rapidly over a short period and can be reversible.



A nurse is teaching the parents of a child who has ADHD about methylphenidate. Which of the following statements should the nurse include in the teaching? 

A. "Administer the medication at bedtime."

B. "Your child might gain weight while taking this medication." 

C. "This medication might increase the amount of saliva your child produces."

 D. "Restrict your child’s intake of caffeine while she is taking this medication."  

 D. "Restrict your child’s intake of caffeine while she is taking this medication."


This family boundary is over connectedness among family members to discourage individuality & direct expression of feelings, diffuse boundaries. 



This is an obsession with proper or healthful eating. Behaviors include compulsive checking of ingredients; cutting out increasing number of food groups

Orthorexia Nervosa


With this disorder, there is a persistent pattern of behavior in which the basic rights of others and major age-appropriate societal norms or rules are violated. Physical aggression is common, and peer relationships are disturbed.

Conduct Disorder


This is impaired ability to execute motor functions despite intact motor abilities. Clients lose the ability to perform routine self-care activities such as dressing or cooking.



4.A nurse is caring for an adolescent female who has an eating disorder. The client is 162.6 cm (64 in) tall and weighs 38.56 kg (85 lb). Upon assessment, which of the following manifestations should the nurse expect? (Select all that apply.) 

A. Amenorrhea 

B. Verbalized desire to gain weight 

C. Altered body image 

D. Hyperactivity

 E. Bradycardia

A. Amenorrhea 

C. Altered body image 

D. Hyperactivity

 E. Bradycardia


What are some interventions you can take when providing care to the family unit? Please give 3 interventions that were discussed in class.

1. Develop collaboration

2. Don’t take sides

3. Facilitate communication between members

4. Cultural competence is key

5. Mirror Language used about/by family

6. Teach, normalize, and give hope


What us the normal range for a clients body mass index?

20 to 24.9


Give me two medications that you should take that increases concentration and should be taken no later than 6 hours before bedtime.

1. Methamphetamine (Desoxyn)

2. Dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine)

3. Lisdexamfetamine (Vyvanse)

4. Dextroamphetamine/ amphetamine (Adderall)

5. Methylphenidate (Ritalin)


What are the 4Ds of the geropsychiatric assessment?

1. Depression 

2. Dementia 

3. Delirium 

4. Delusions 


A nurse is caring for a child who has autism spectrum disorder. Which of the following findings should the nurse expect? (Select all that apply).

A. Short attention span 

B. Delayed language development

 C. Spinning a toy repetitively 

D. Ritualistic behavior

 E. Consistent limit testing


B. Delayed language development

 C. Spinning a toy repetitively 

D. Ritualistic behavior

