Somatic Symptom Disorder

True or False: 

Understanding depression involves understanding both environmental and genetic influences as causes



Alicia needed only one and a half hours of sleep per night for about 10 days at the beginning of the year. She started many projects, had pressured speech, and was easily distracted. She got fired from her job because or her erratic behavior. Following this period, she experienced low mood that lasted for several months during which she slept most of the day, could not get out of bed, and felt worthless. Alicia’s symptoms are most in line with which disorder?

a) Bipolar I disorder

b) Bipolar II disorder

c) Cyclothymic disorder

d) Dysthymic disorder

a) Bipolar I disorder


Which of the following is a negative symptom of schizophrenia?

a) Anhedonia

b) Hallucinations

c) Grossly disorganized behavior

d) Difficulty with concentration

a) Anhedonia


How does somatic symptom disorder differ from illness anxiety disorder?

a) Somatic symptom disorder involves significantly more anxiety about health.

b) Illness anxiety disorder is more likely to involve neurologically focused symptoms.

c) Illness anxiety disorder is more likely to include the presence of prominent somatic symptoms.

d) Somatic symptom disorder is more likely to include the presence of prominent somatic symptoms.

d) Somatic symptom disorder is more likely to include the presence of prominent somatic symptoms.


Which of the following increases the risk of suicide the most?

A) being in psychotherapy

B) a history of previous attempts

C) having a single parent

D) calling a suicide help hotline number

B) a history of previous attempts


True or False 

Martin Seligman’s theory of learned helplessness was developed after studying people in abusive relationships.



Bipolar I involves _______, whereas bipolar II involves _______.

a) manic episodes with or without depressive episodes; only depressive episodes

b) alternating manic and depressive episodes; only depressive episodes

c) manic episodes with or without depressive episodes; hypomanic and depressive episodes

d) alternating manic and depressive episodes; hypomanic and depressive episodes

c) manic episodes with or without depressive episodes; hypomanic and depressive episodes


Which of the following is an example of a delusion of influence someone with schizophrenia might report?

a) “Someone leaves me signs in the morning paper that I must decipher.”

b) “I am constantly being followed by FBI agents.”

c) “I have powers to be able to teleport when needed.”

d) “My thoughts are being removed by governmental agencies.”

d) “My thoughts are being removed by governmental agencies.”


Lucia is constantly worried she may have skin cancer and is always checking her skin for new moles. She has no symptoms of cancer, but her worry grows despite being told by multiple doctors that she has negative test results for cancer. Lucia’s symptom presentation is most in line with which disorder?

a) Somatic symptom disorder

b) Functional neurological symptom disorder

c) Factitious disorder

d) Illness anxiety disorder

d) Illness anxiety disorder


Suicidal behaviors __________.

A) run in families

B) do not run in families

C) are caused solely by biological factors

D) are caused solely by environmental factors

A) run in families


Which of the following is NOT a possible symptom of major depressive disorder?

a) Increased appetite

b) Recurrent thoughts of death

c) Insomnia

d) Nightmares

d) Nightmares


Individuals diagnosed with _______ fluctuate between symptoms of hypomania and depression.

a) bipolar I

b) cyclothymic disorder

c) bipolar II

d) rapid cycling bipolar disorder

b) cyclothymic disorder


This following is an example of which characteristic related to schizophrenia? “I ate 3 cucumbers. My dog’s name is Fido. I don’t usually sleep more than 5 hours at a time.”

a) Loose associations

b) Clang associations

c) Alogia cognitions

d) Delusions

a) Loose associations


Jadyn has visited up to 10 doctors complaining of anemia and lightheadedness. His latest doctor finds evidence that he has been self-inducing blood draws prior to coming into appointments. His doctor is confused because Jadyn does not appear to be gaining anything tangible from these symptoms. Jadyn’s presentation is most consistent with which disorder?

a) Somatic symptom disorder

b) Illness anxiety disorder

c) Factitious disorder imposed on self

d) Malingering

c) Factitious disorder imposed on self


A patient died by suicide. In an attempt to better understand factors leading up to this death, the therapist interviews the patient’s family, co-workers, friends, and treating physicians. This approach is known as a __________.

A) psychological autopsy

B) post-mortem investigation

C) psychological inquiry

D) psychological debriefing

A) psychological autopsy


Which of the following is the primary difference between a major depressive episode and major depressive disorder?

a) A major depressive episode lasts from 1 day up to 2 weeks, whereas major depressive disorder must last at least 1 month.

b) A major depressive episode involves persistent sad or low mood, but major depressive disorder can also involve mania.

c) A major depressive episode is not a psychological diagnosis, whereas major depressive disorder is.

d) Major depressive disorder involves symptoms tied to mood changes following the death of a loved one, whereas a major depressive episode is focused on daily stressors.

c) A major depressive episode is not a psychological diagnosis, whereas major depressive disorder is.


Hasan was recently diagnosed with bipolar disorder. What is an example of a behavior he might be most likely to engage in during a manic episode?

A) cry uncontrollably

B) stay in his bed for most of the day

C) think about or attempt suicide

D) engage in risky sexual activity

D) engage in risky sexual activity


For over a year, Lacey has been increasingly withdrawing from her friends and family and has stopped taking care of herself. Over the past month, she has been experiencing delusions of persecution (e.g., believing the CIA was spying on her) and auditory hallucinations. Which phase of schizophrenia is Lacey currently experiencing?

a) Prodromal

b) Residual

c) Active

d) Recovery

c) Active


Quin’s childhood was full of stressors. After a car accident at age 19, a doctor told them they could have been paralyzed. Since this time, Quin has been preoccupied with bodily signs of numbness, and has seen more than 20 specialists despite being told that nothing is wrong. What is a precipitating factor for Quin’s current behavioral pattern?

a) Childhood stressors

b) Focus on somatic symptoms

c) Car accident at age 19

d) Genetic vulnerability

c) Car accident at age 19


True or False: Suicide rates are higher for men than for women.



Learned helplessness can occur after someone _________ and believes they cannot change or control the outcome.

a) overworks themselves

b) seeks help from a trusted source

c) experiences an unconscious loss

d) experiences a repeatedly stressful situation

d) experiences a repeatedly stressful situation


Julia has described symptoms that are consistent with mania to her new psychologist. Her psychologist might ask her questions about what to determine if Julia is in fact experiencing an episode of mania?

A) lack of interest in previously enjoyable activities

B) uncontrollable crying

C) pressured or rapid speech

D) a persistent sense of hopelessness

C) pressured or rapid speech


Which of the following is true of neuroanatomy research findings of schizophrenia?

a) Structural brain abnormalities are observed only in those with schizophrenia.

b) Structural brain abnormalities only occur after the onset of positive symptoms.

c) Structural brain abnormalities are observed before the onset of positive symptoms.

d) Structural brain abnormalities are observed in family members of those with schizophrenia

c) Structural brain abnormalities are observed before the onset of positive symptoms.


Which of the following is true of treatments for somatic symptom and related disorders?

Medications should be the first choice in treatment.

b) Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is effective for both physical and psychological symptoms.

c) Most treatment research focusses on medications.

d) Symptom-focused cognitive behavioral therapy is an effective treatment.

d) Symptom-focused cognitive behavioral therapy is an effective treatment.


In DBT treatment, skill learning related to tolerating distress and avoiding acting on impulse refers to: 

a) mindfulness

b) emotions regulation 

c) distress tolerance

d) interpersonal effectiveness 

c) distress tolerance
