What does a easter egg symbolizes as
what is (rebirth)
Millions of peeps are sold each year, what is the most sold color ?
what is yellow?
How big is the world’s largest Easter egg?
What is (10.39m or 34ft 1.05 high. Made completely of chocolate. )
Approximately how many chocolate bunnies are produced every year?
What is (90 million)
When was the Easter poem written?
What is (1916)
What year was the Easter bunny introduced/invented
What is (1700s)
How long can peeps go without going bad
2 years
Why does the date of Easter change every year?
what is (Easter is related to the full moon. Easter falls every year on the first Sunday after Spring Equinox. Therefore there is no fixed date of Easter the same way that there is with Christmas. )
According to most Americans what should be the first easter candy they eat?
what is Chocolate bunnies
When was the Easter egg invented ?
what is (13th century / 1300s)
what is the most common flavor of jelly bean ?
what is (cherry)
What holiday candy can only be found during Easter?
Cadbury mini eggs are only available during Easter
Adults prefer milk chocolate bunnies by how much
what is (65%)
Why is Easter called easter ?
what is Christian designation of Easter week
in dollars how much candy is bought each year for Easter?
What is (2.26 billion dollars)
how long do peeps take to make
6 minutes
________were among the earliest Easter treats, made by European monks and given to the poor during Lent.
hot cross buns
How many peeps are sold each year?
what is (700 million peeps are bought)