Number of States in the US
What is 50?
What ZAP will likely die of first
(A)Diabetes (B)Skin cancer (C)Trying to jump between two skyscrapers in a bet and falling
Trick question
Human bodies largest organ
What is skin
What animal goes moo
Who was the 3rd US president
Who is Thomas Jefferson?
Zanes go to ice cream flavor
Longest bone in the human body
What is femur?
The largest rodent in the world
What is a capybara?
Where does Mr. Bess live
What is Capitol Hill?
True or false
Zane can do 35 clap pushups in a row
Most common blood type
What is O+
The only mammal that can fly
What is a bat?
Name of the rabbit in Zootopia
What is Judy Hopps?
The position zane plays in Lacrosse
What is defense?
Nicknamed Dr “McDreamy” in Greys Anatomy
Dr. Shepard
What you call a female donkey
What is Jenny?
A derogatory Asian slur for Chinese people
what fascinates zane and puts him in a mesmerized trance
Singles Inferno- those hot babes are irresistible
The two-word name for the anatomical feature at the base of the brain's hypothalamus where the optic nerves of both eyes meet and cross?
Optic chiasm
How high can penguins jump
9 ft