Name 3 basic emotions.
happiness; sadness; fear; anger
What is depression?
Depression is a persistent or lasting state of sadness that affects our thoughts and behaviors on a daily basis and has an impact on our relationship.
What is stress?
Stress is a natural response we have to challenging situations.
What is a coping strategy?
A coping strategy is a thought or action that helps us deal with difficult feelings resulting from challenging events, situations, relationships, etc
A student is walking down a hall and they see other students looking at them and laughing. The student walks up to the group and yells, "What is your problem?" Is this student showing an internal or external response to a challenging situation?
External. The hint that it is external is that the student yelled or spoke outloud.
What emotions or feelings are related to depression?
sadness; hopelessness; helplessness; tiredness; boredom; irritability
What are some signs in people's bodies and faces that show us they may be feeling depressed.
They may be quiet and not talk a lot, look down, frown, slump their body, etc.
What are some signs in our bodies that we are feeling stressed or anxious?
Tightness of muscles; shortness of breath or shallow breathing; difficulty sleeping; etc
True or false. Everyone should practice slow and deep breathing as a coping strategy.
False. Slow and deep breathing is a very useful coping strategy but everyone is different and some people might find other coping strategies much more helpful for them.
A student is in the cafeteria and they cannot find a place to sit. They think to themselves, "I don't even want to be here. I wish there were no cafeteria." Is this an example of an internal or external response to a stressful social situation?
This is an example of an internal response. The student is thinking in their own head.
What emotions or feelings are related to anxiety?
Worry; fear
What are some behaviors that could be signs that show us someone may be feeling depressed?
crying; wanting to be alone; acting irritable (impatient tone of voice, looking grumpy, etc)
What are examples of situations that commonly cause people to experience stress or anxiety?
Problems with friends; problems with family; problems with teachers or other school staff; taking a test or a quiz; having a hard time with homework and/or classwork; etc
In this activity we identified an object in your room that can help you relax. Name this coping strategy.
relaxation technique or method
A student is at the bus stop and another student calls them a mean name. They do not say anything and walk away. Is this an example of a passive, assertive, or aggressive response?
Passive. They are not taking action or using words to stand up for themself.
Which is a better or more important emotion - joy or sadness.
All emotions are important. We prefer to feel happy more than sad but we need to have a range of emotions and feel and learn to talk about all of them.
True or false. You can tell if a person is depressed by how they act. They will always show a sign you can see.
What are some behaviors that could be signs that show us someone may be feeling anxious?
They may act grumpy or irritable or impatient. They may talk fast or pace (walk back and forth).
In this coping strategy we imagined being in a happy place and tried to picture the details of that place to calm our bodies and our minds in the present. Name the coping strategy.
Guided visualization
A student is at the bus stop and another student calls them a mean name. The second student calls the first student a mean name back and threatens to hit the first student. Is this an example of a passive, assertive, or aggressive response?
aggressive. They are continuing and escalating (making bigger) the situation.
What are triggers?
Triggers are people, situations, or environments that cause us to feel or act in a certain way.
What is the difference between sadness and depression?
Everyone experiences sadness at various times in their life. When sadness becomes constant or persistent and a person has a hard time finding interest or joy in activities that they used to enjoy, they may be in a state of depression.
What is the difference between stress and anxiety?
Everyone experiences stress at various times in their life. When stress becomes constant or persistent and a person has a hard time relaxing they may be in a state of anxiety.
In this coping strategy we focused on each of our 5 senses. Name this strategy.
(Sensory) Grounding activity
A student is at the bus stop and another student calls them a mean name. They tell the student, "Do not talk to me like that" in a strong voice. Is this an example of a passive, assertive, or aggressive response?
Assertive. They are are not ignoring (passive) the insult or escalating the problem or making it bigger (aggressive). They are defending themself with a strong voice without using aggressive language.