How much is a dime worth?
10 cents
What day do we usually go travel training on the city bus?
Where is the massive wildfire that is burning out of control?
What is happening Saturday night?
Daylight Saving Time
What is personal information?
Name, address, phone number, email, etc
25 cents
What do we have to do when we need to cross the street?
Press the walk button, wait for the "safe to cross" sign, look both ways and then cross the street in the crosswalk.
What happened to Odysseus when it landed on the moon?
It fell over
What Presidential candidate dropped out of the race after Super Tuesday?
Nikki Haley
What are three things we do when entering the bakery?
Hair net
Wash hands
Which item costs more?
Coke $1.99
Pepsi $1.59
What bus number do we take when going to the HUB?
Bus 24
How big is the fish that makes the loudest sound?
The width of your fingernail.
What do the dogs wear when participating in the Iditarod Dog Sledding Race?
When scooping cookies using a purple scoop, how many cookies will be on a tray if Chef Casey wants us to bake them right away?
*Remember we do 4 by 6
24 cookies
Add the following coins:
Penny, Nickel, Dime and Quarter
41 cents
What do we need to do when arriving at the HUB?
Look at the arrival board to determine when our bus is coming.
What are the names of the bald eagles that are waiting for their eggs to hatch?
Jackie and Shadow
How many coins did an alligator swallow?
How many times a day should you brush your teeth?
2 times a day
I bought a coffee this morning for $2.50. If I only had one dollar bills in my wallet, how much would I give the cashier if I was using the next dollar up?
Where can you find information on how to access different busses and bus routes?
WRTA website or paper bus schedules
How many eggs do Shadow and Jackie have?
When we watch the news, what is the name of the meteorologist who reports the weather?
Cindy Fitzgibbon
You are sitting on the city bus and someone starts talking to you. If you don't know that person, what should you do?
Do not talk to people you do not know.
Move your seat