He is the ruler of the Olympian gods.
This is the subject of Homer's Iliad.
The anger of Achilles
He is the principal speaker in Plato's dialogues.
This city is the birthplace of democracy.
Ancient Athens
This is the myth Hesiod uses to explain human suffering.
Pandora's box
She keeps Odysseus on her island for 7 years.
This is common name given to the study of such fields as rhetoric, logic and physics.
This famous leader was Aristotle's pupil.
Alexander the Great
She receives the Golden Apple from Paris in the event that eventually leads to the Trojan War.
This is the mission Aeneas sets out on after escaping Troy.
This is the term designating a symbolic representation of a complex idea about human nature or existence.
His assassination begins the Roman Great Civil War.
Julius Caesar
This term indicates an overstepping of one's natural boundaries as a result of pride.
This is the term used for a journey to the Underworld.
This is the name Plato gives to pure essences.
This is the name given to the series of wars between Rome and Carthage.
The Punic Wars
This how Hesiod names the first and best time in human history.
The Golden Age
This act leads to the death of Odysseus's last remaining crewmen.
Eating the cattle of Helios (the Sun)
This is the Greek term given to artistic imitation.
This event is believed to have taken place in 1250BC, the same time as the fall of Troy.
The Exodus from Egypt