World War I
1920s Culture
1920s Politics
Great Depression
The New Deal

Reasons for United States entry into World War I (name two)

What are the Zimmerman Telegram, the sinking of the Lusitania, unrestricted submarine warfare, economic ties to Britain, public opinion, MANIA?


Explosion of music, dance, poetry, etc led by Black Americans in upper Manhattan

What is the Harlem Renaissance?


The Great Migration

What was the migration of millions of Black Americans from the South to the North from 1910 to around 1970?

The thing that ended the Great Depression

What was World War II?


How the New Deal changed the role of government

What is expanding the involvement and powers of the federal government?


The League of Nations 

What was Woodrow Wilson's last and most favorite point in his 14 Points that was the first international peace organization but was never joined by the U.S.?


Examples of how women's roles changed during the 1920s

What is enfranchisement with the 19th Amendment, women in the workplace, fashion?


The issue debated in the Scopes Monkey Trial

What is science vs religion / if the theory of evolution should be taught in school?


The percentage of the population that was unemployed during the height of the Great Depression

What is 25%?


The "three R's" associated with the New Deal

What are Relief, Reform, Recovery?


Examples of World War I mobilization administrations, organizations, or legislations (name two)

What are the Committee of Public Information, War Industries Board, War Food Administration, War Fuel Administration, Selective Service Act, Espionage and Sedition Acts?


Examples of African American artists, poets, musicians etc who contributed to the culture and eruption of the Harlem Renaissance 

Who are Langston Hughes, Duke Ellington, the Nicholas Brothers, Jacob Lawrence, Aaron Douglass, Walter Dean Myers?


What the Emergency Quota Act of 1921 did

What is establishing numerical limits on the number of people who could immigrate into the United States?


A cause of the Great Depression besides the stock market crash

What is overproduction, reduced purchasing power, bank failure, buying on the margin (excessive credit)?


Examples of administrations created under the New Deal and within FDR's first 100 days (name two)

What are the Works Progress Administration (WPA), Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA), Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), National Recovery Administration (NRA), and Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), Public Works Administration (PWA), Glass-Steagall Act (Banking Act), Social Security Act (SSS), National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act)?
