How many people were fed in the 5 bread and 2 fish miracle
5000 men
A girl fell off a 20-foot ladder. She wasn’t hurt. How?
She fell off the bottom step
How many hearts does an octopus have?
Name Colors (10 points each)
What is Captain Haysam's real name?
In the miracle of 7 loaves, how many baskets of leftovers was there?
I shave every day, but my beard stays the same. What am I?
a barber
What is a young lion called?
Name Cartoon Characters (20 points each)
Good Job
What is Captain Gio's major? (What is he studying in college)
Film & Television
How much older is john the baptist than Jesus christ?
6 months
Something you own, but others use it more than you.
Your name
What is the fastest animal on land?
Name Random States (30 points each)
What's Chieftan Valeria's favorite accessory?
List the 7 prayers of the Agpeya
1st hour, 3rd hour, 6th hour, 9th hour, 11th hour, 12th hour
Midnight Prayer
I have lakes with no water, mountains with no stone and cities with no buildings. What am I?
A Map
Mention the 7 colors of the rainbow (in order)
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet
Name your scout Leaders
(40 points)
Good job! But you should know better
Name 5 leaders who studied at CSULB (California State University Long Beach)
Bonus 200: if you know who's currently studying there
Ancemon, Angela, Gio, Marlin, Andro
Bonus points (Ancemon, Angela, Gio)
How many books in the new testament?
Three doctors said that Bill was their brother. Bill says he has no brothers. How many brothers does Bill actually have?
none, he has three sisters
Which animal is known as the “ship of the desert“
Capital Cities in Europe?
(50 points each)
Which team can sing the camp's say7a better?