
who is the author of Globalization Research Paradigms

Jan Pieterse


Who talks about Korean war and Rok and what is the central idea of the article?

Kim and Shim tell the story of Korean Rok bands and argue that while the bands absorbed some traits of Western rock, they conserved many aspects of Korean culture


what is cosmopolitan globalization and who talks about that?

An elite with shared values that informs explaned by Nancy Fraser


What is Rationalization and who talks about it?

  • Rationalization- Process by which traditional methods and ways of doing things are replaced by standardized and efficient procedures

  • George Ritzer


what is Differentiation in Globalization Research Paradigms?

Clash of civilizations; each individual unique culture. Describes a polar, conflicted world that omits cultural connections and collaborations.

Example: Seeing other countries as competing units: ex, “American way” vs “Soviet way”


what is Cultural proximity and who talks about it

Straubhaar suggests audiences prefer media products from their own culture or the most similar one available


who talks about soft and hard power?

Nye and Boyd-Barret


Who talks about the use of radio during cold war?

Frederick and Tyson


What is the transnational public sphere?

The transnational public sphere encompasses global discursive arenas where communication and idea exchange occur beyond national boundaries. These spaces, studied in media and cultural studies, are marked by the flow of images, signs, and information.


what are the Five scapes of globalization and who talks about it?

  • Aparduray explains

  • Ethnoscapes: migration of people across political and cultural borders 

  • Technoscapes: how technology facilitates exchanges across borders/ how technology moves across borders

  • Ideoscapes- Movement of political and ideological views across formerly isolated regions

  • financescapes - Global markets for goods and labor
    - Capital investment across borders
    - Interdependent economies

  •  Mediascapes -Movement of media around the world (i.e., K dramas in Netflix)

    • Representations of other cultures

    • Imagined communities shaped via media

    • Scripts & narratives develop (Orgad)


What is globalization research paradigm?

Pieterse explains 3 perspectives regarding culture in globalization:

Convergence- describes increasing cultural assimilation and standardization, missing inter-borrowings and innovations between cultures Example : McDonaldization: rationalization → producing efficiency

Differentiation- describes a polar, conflicted world that omits cultural connections and collaborations example: Seeing other countries as competing units “American way” vs “Soviet way”

  • Hybridity: mixing or blending of culture. Example:  Korean Rok music: the influence of Western rock music was the “beginning” stage then they blended in cultural aspects of Korean culture


Soft power versus Smart power

Tessa and Paul explains Soft Power (Nye): ability to influence through attraction and persuasion rather than coercion/force

  • Smart Power: soft power combined with hard power: public diplomacy and military is an example of smart power

    • Relies on cultural, ideological, and institutional appeal of a nation 

    • Three pillars: culture, policial values, and foreign policies


Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty versus Radion Free Dixie

  • Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty:

    • Broadcasting organizations supported by the US government to counter communist propaganda 

    • Promote western ideologies 

    • Presented as private but actually had gov backing 

    • Exposed US racial injustice 

  • The advertising council worked with advertising agencies to create propaganda used in domestic campaigns 

  • Radio Free Dixie:

  • Broadcasted from Cuba to the south of the US to expose racism in the government


what is One-way flow and who talks about it?

 Strauwbhaar's  The "one flow" theory suggests that this unidirectional movement leads to a situation where global media landscapes are overwhelmingly shaped by the values, ideologies, and cultural norms of Western countries, potentially at the expense of local cultures and identities.


What is Global imagination? who talks about it?

 According to Shani Orgad it an analysis of how representation in a global media environment are implicated by power relations over what stories are told, how, and by whom, while exploring consequences of such telling through a range of case studies.


who talk about Cultural Proximity and Contra-Flow?

Thussu, Straubhaar


Media uses during cold war? 

  • Cold war shaped international media as a tool for national defense 

    • Ideological battle blurred lines between gov and private news organizations 

    • National system still firmly in place (no “global village” yet)


Who talks about the global research paradigm?



Who talks about the relationship between Hollywood influence and Korean movies what is the argument.

Klein argues that the military relationship between Korea and the US influenced the liberalization of the consumption of Western movies in Korea, which forced Korean moviemakers to adopt certain aspects of Hollywood production to be accepted overseas. However, with time, Korean producers found a good balance between absorbing foreign influences and using references from their culture in their movies.
