Does Lucas ever subtract points below 0 in Jeopardy?
No, you cannot have negative numbers in a Jeopardy game with Lucas.
How many drawers, are in the teachers desk?
Does Lucas live alone?
No, i have a roomate.
What grade is right beneath our feet?
0th grade.
What is Lucas’ middle and last names?
Stenrøjl, Frisk, Schmidt
What was our classroom before it was a classroom?
What name, is on the front of Lucas’ Abracadabra?
What type of computer was originally used in the IT-room, Laptops or PC’s?
How many different grades, have Lucas as their teacher? (Bonus x2 if you can guess the grades)
8 different grades, 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th.
In what year, did our school open?