What does D.C.C. stand for
Dallas Cleanup Crew
Name the 3 lines of revenue in rentals
1. Dumpsters
2. Toilets
3. Fences
Name the 2 biggest production clients in order of volume by revenue
1. Camden
2. Megatel
Name the company helping us market our tech
Pub Creative
Name Chuy's son
Who is the biggest client by revenue in services
Our biggest rental client in '23 outside of Med City
We introduced this new line of revenue into production in '23
SWPPP/Erosion Control
What is the difference between the Scrap-It Logo and the Scrappy Logo?
1. Tech has only the head of the goat
2. The Goat is turned the other direction
What is Branca's husband's name?
Who was the biggest new client in '23 by volume
David Lewis
This was our biggest profitability savings move to date in rentals so far
Fuel truck that fills our trucks at the yard
Name the new client we started working with in Sherman this week
Name the 2 biggest barriers we have with our tech from a client perspective
1. Change Management
2. Price
Tony has 2 children, what are their names
Kelsey and Tony
This specific service offering is the biggest revenue to date so far in '24
Name the street and nick name for where we keep our trucks and dumpsters
Dowdy Ferry Rd and The Goat Pen
This potential new client is a top 5 builder in the country
Name a feature of our tech that differentiates us
Spanish translation, quickbooks sync, client portal, etc.
Brantley has how many dogs and what are their names
3: Fallon, Hudson, Bowie
This site was the first place we placed day labor
Chatham Hill
Outside of Medical City, name the client where we have placed another compactor
Name the first big Hillwood community we are contracting for
Approximately how much revenue are we forecasting from tech. in '24 (within $10k)
Name Matt's girlfriend