
What is the main idea behind this quote?

 “A party member is expected to have no private emotions and no respites from enthusiasm’’ (211)

Party members aren’t supposed to have a private life. They aren’t supposed to have any emotions because they could risk their lives and go against the party rules.


What is the meaning of Ignorance is Strength?

To live with ignorance is to live without thoughtcrime


What class would you be apart of and why?

Wrong answer 


“All the beliefs, habits, tastes, emotions, mental attitudes that characterize our time are designed to sustain the mystique of the Party and prevent the true nature of present-day society from being perceived” (210)

Interpret this Quote

The party has so much power over the middle and lower classes. They are controlling their brains and the way they function each day. 


According to Chapter 1 and the 3 different classes, what class do Julia and Winston belong to.

The middle class


Pick 3 emojis to describe this chapter 



Based on the information given in this chapter, what has the cycle of classes looked like for centuries? 

High, middle and low classes, the high eventually falls and middle takes over, the low always stays low.


Who represents the High Class and what are their beliefs and thoughts?

The party represents the high class, they are expected to follow extreme orders and never go against what their rules say, they also use manipulation to have unlimited power. 


Draw an image to represent this chapter



“Wealth and privilege are most easily defended when they are possessed jointly”..... “no member of the party owns anything, except petty personal belongings.” 206

How do these two lines from the chapter relate to each other and the idea of social classes?

Everyone in the society could be treated equally in terms of sharing wealth and being happy and free members of the society but they aren’t. Winston can’t even write in a journal without being in trouble. The party has the wealth and the privilege to protect it from the citizens of Oceania. Represents doublethink and social classes.


What are the political ideals talked about in this chapter: Autocracy or Democracy?



There are a lot of injustices in this chapter. pick a Taylor Swift song that describes an injustice, and explain.



What is the main idea of this quote, “Big Brother is infallible and all-powerful. Every success, every achievement, every victory, every scientific discovery, all knowledge, all wisdom, all happiness, all virtue, are held to issue directly from his leadership and inspiration. Nobody has ever seen big brother.” (208)  

Big Brother is something the Party uses to exhibit itself to the world. Big Brother is the apex, but nobody knows when he was born or when he will ever die.


How is their society as a whole an example of doublethink?

The party knows what doublethink does but continues to use it to control. It's a systemic problem ingrained in the way the government works, the Party relies on the success of doublethink to control its members. All Party teachings stem from the ideas of doublethink, without doublethink the beliefs and laws of the Party have no basis.


What happens to the people who are most intelligent in this society? (Page 211-12)

 They die......
