has 4 hooves, tail, and mane.
you can order me at McDonald's but dad makes them better
You put me on you horses back to keep the saddle from pinching
Saddle pad
I cover 70% of the Earth
I have 3 barrels
barrel racing
I am cute cuddly, and furry. I love snuggles
I used to be healthy but then you deep-fried me and coated me in salt.
You use me to keep your horses feet safe from rocks and and other gunk.
I keep you refreshed on a hot day with a little garnish on the side
You wave and turn as fast as possible
pole bending
I protect you but also am loyal to you and love being loved.
I can be plane or you fancy and reminds people of worms.
I am the cold version of the beverage you drink when your throat hurts
iced tea
I'm the girl version of tie down roping
breakaway roping
I will spit in your face if you make me mad but I am very funny looking and live in another country
I am cold and delicious but if you forget about me i taste gross and look like soup
ice cream
I keep your horses feet safe when you speed through events
splint boots
I am very fun and colourful you can only get me a Boston Pizza and I'm named after an mystical creature
Unicorn lemonade
The main point is to stay on the horse without a saddle
bare back riding
I am the star of an old show and make cats mad when I out-smart them.
i grow on a vine and name after a instrument because of my shape. i can be yellow, green, red, or orange and can be sweet or spicy.
bell pepper
I keep you horses head down so you can see whee your going.
I am very Delicious and healthy in mainly blended fruit
I involve teamwork with three animals involved