Being mindful means we are focusing on _______.
The present or what is going on right now.
Allow varied answers.
True or false: 2 people in the same situation can have different emotions about it.
What is self-confidence?
Feeling capable to do something.
True or false: Sea otters hold hands while sleeping so they don't drift apart.
How do we do square breathing?
While tracing a square, breathe in across the top of the square, hold down the right side, breathe out across the bottom, hold up the left side.
How do emotions help us?
Emotions help us connect with what is going on around us. It can help us connect with others too.
What happens when we think negative thoughts?
We start thinking more negative thoughts, and it makes it hard to focus or do things well.
What is one way to boost self-confidence?
Allow varied answers, i.e. listing positive qualities, practicing things you are good at, remembering positive things
five-finger breathing, balloon breathing, dandelion breathing, candle breathing, butterfly breathing
Making a list of _______ can help us to feel happier.
things we like
Practice mindfulness (allow answers that are examples of this)
Why isn't "never getting angry" a good goal to work toward?
Everyone feels a variety of emotions. Feeling any emotion is okay, it is how we react to the emotion that matters.
False. Dolphins call to each other by name.
What is 5-4-3-2-1?
Mindfulness where you name;
5 things you can see
4 things you can touch
3 things you can hear
2 things you can smell
1 thing you can taste
What are 3 ways that our bodies can tell us that we are feeling angry?
allow varied answers - i.e. face gets hot, muscles tense, shaking, headaches
Name a way we can increase our positive thoughts.
allow varied responses, i.e. looking at positive things we know, reminding ourselves of positive things, asking for help, thinking of things we like.
"Never feeling angry" is not a good goal to work on. How should we change it to make it better?
What ocean animal has its heart in its head?
How does mindfulness help us?
Focusing on what is going on right now can help us feel calmer and more in control, or it can help us pay attention.
How can a body scan help us with our emotions?
We can notice where in our bodies we might be feeling tension and can work to relax ourselves.
List in order the chain of events that deals with our emotions and thoughts.
1. Something happens
2. We have a thought about it
3. We have emotions about it
4. We have a reaction(behavior)
5. Consequence
Name 3 important things to remember when setting a goal.
1. The goal is possible.
2. The goal can be measured.
3. The goal has a time-line.
What color is a polar bear's hair?