making a personal attack against the person saying the argument, rather than directly addressing the issue.
Ad hominem
I ate sushi and I threw up, so the sushi must have made me throw up.
false cause
An example of ______ fallacy: I met a new person at the park and she was really nice, which means that everyone at the park must be nice.
Hasty Generalization
Example of ____ fallacy: The ocean is blue. Therefore its going to snow tomorrow
What is a non sequitur fallacy.
A fallacy in which the author believes a claim is true ( or false) because it can't be proven true (or false)
Appeal to ignorance
Trying to persuade someone by manipulating their emotions- such as fear, anger, or ridicule-rather than making a rational case.
Appeal to emotion
Don't listen to susan about cooking, she failed culinary.
Ad Hominem
Example of _____ fallacy: Researchers say people that eat marshmallows regularly have lived longer. Therefore, Im going to eat marshmallows everyday so that I can live longer.
What is a cherry-picking fallacy
Example of ______ fallacy : It is okay to smoke because everyone does it!
A fallacy in which the author uses two different meanings of a word to prove the argument
What is Equivocation
Taking an argument to an exaggerated extreme.
slippery slope
I met one angry person from Vegas and so everyone from there must be horrible.
Unqualified Generalization
An example of ______ fallacy: We can't let them cut that tree down because the whole world will explode.
Slippery slope
Example of _____ fallacy: I lost my lucky ring this morning, that must be why I failed my exam.
Correlation proves causation
A fallacy in which the author changes the subject to a topic that's easier to attack
Red Herring
Only choosing a few examples that support your argument, rather than looking at the full picture.
Cherry picking
You better drink this special juice or your whole family will die.
Appeals to Emotion
What is an bandwagon fallacy.
Example of _____ fallacy: David argues that drinking while driving doesn't cause you to crash because he does it all the time and hasn't ever crashed into anything.
What is an anecdotal evidence fallacy.
A fallacy in which the author instead of proving your claim is true the other person has to prove its false
shifting the burden
Thinking a claim is true (or false) because it can't be proven true (or false)
Appeal to ignorance
The following is an example of _____ fallacy: Dr. John who is renowned surgeon and says big foot is real. Therefore, big foot must be real.
What is a appeal to authority fallacy.
Example of _____ fallacy: Dr. Smith, an eye doctor says that you should eat twelve oranges everyday to improve your heart health.
Appeal to authority.
Example of a ____ fallacy: Since nobody have ever proven that ghost exist, they have to be real.
What is an appeal to ignorance fallacy
A fallacy in which the author thinks there are only two possibilities when there may be other alternatives you haven't considered.
False dilemma