This bay on the southern side of Cuba is home to a U.S. naval base
Guantanamo Bay
In 1993 cosmonaut Aleksandr Serebrov was the first to play a video game in space, this one created by a countryman
Check your work because "the devil's in" these
the details
Adjective for book pages turned down at one corner
About 95% of the world's bourbon is produced in this state
Chesapeake Bay is an estuary that's home to this "colorful" crustacean that's best eaten on the bay with bae & with some Old Bay
a blue crab
In 1986 this man became the first pontiff to enter the Great Synagogue of Rome
John Paul II
This 4-word idiom meaning angry suggests a rope is needed
fit to be tied
A small canvas or nylon wedge-shaped dwelling with room for only one or 2 campers
pup tent
Reminiscent of the hard candies, Fireball whisky, which comes in 42 & 66 proof, tastes of this spice
A South Florida national park with this bay in its name is home to more than 500 species of reef fish
John Lombe stole silk secrets from Italy & built what's been called the 1st big factory in this period of 18th & 19th century Britain
the Industrial Revolution
Alexander Pope said "To err is human", then these 3 words
to forgive divine
Idiom used of someone who appears fierce but is actually gentle
all bark, no bite (bark is worse than their bite)
A Bellini is typically made with this sparkling Italian wine that, like Bellini, has double letters in its name
In song, "The boys of the NYPD choir were singing" of this Irish place
Galway Bay
This man banned the traditional fez hat after becoming the first president of the Republic of Turkey
In Rabelais' "Gargantua", a drinker demands that an empty cup be filled because of this scientific principle
Nature abhors a vacuum
Also a British game show title, this 3-word command means to let loose a pursuing pack
release the hounds
Calling itself "America's original craft vodka", it's been produced in Austin since 1995
Originally named Rio de Janeiro Bay, this bay means "bosom of the sea" in the Tupi language
In 1992 this man from Egypt became the first African to be Secretary-General of the United Nations
Boutros Boutros-Ghali
JFK said it's a Cape Cod saying & added, "and a partnership, by definition, serves both partners"
A rising tide lifts all boats
A sidecar the morning after too many sidecars
The hair of the dog
Originally a celebratory drink among hunters, this German herbal liqueur features a stag on its bottles