Practical nursing #1

Practical nursing #2

Communication Techniques
and stuff

This behavior will help a client follow a prescribed plan of care?

What is active participation in the plan of care.


This method is used to assess the patient's understanding of something that they have been taught.

What is the teach-back method?


This can become a barrier to communication between a patient and the nurse, if the patient is experiencing it.

What is pain?


This is a form of Therapeutic communication between a nurse and patient.

What is active listening?


The nurse is assessing a client whose core body temperature is 96.1 degrees Fahrenheit and is confused. The nurse's next step would be to do this.

What is wrap the client in a warm blanket?


Older adults are likely to demonstrate poor adherence to a plan of care if they are experiencing this.

What is limited functional ability?


The LPN will do this with a patient that has orthostatic hypotension to help decrease the risk of falls.

What is sit them on the side of the bed prior to having them stand up?


This can be the result of consequences of errors in communication between the nurse and the client.

What is the nurse cannot deliver accurate information 


A client who is experiencing delusions approaches the nurse and states, "I am batman". These two things should be the nurses' interventions.

What is 1. consistently reinforce the use of the client's real name, and 2. provide a structured activity?


A nurse is conducting a home health assessment on an 80 yr. client. The client states they like to take walks in his neighborhood every afternoon, but often gets overheated. This would be the best response by the LPN.

What is recommending walking in the morning or evening hours when cooler?


This diagnosis will likely be difficult for the patient to follow due to the complexity of the diagnosis.

What is Diabetes?


When the nurse is working with a client who is displaying characteristics of expressive aphasia, the LPN should use which intervention.

What is asking "yes" & "no" questions whenever possible?


The nurse should always do this before delivering any type of "bad news" to a client.

What is verify the information before delivering it?


The following comment made by the nurse is considered "ageism" and should be avoided when talking with the elderly population.

What is "come on, Honey. It's time to go to breakfast"?


When a patient comes into the ED with signs of Fluid Volume Deficit, the nurse can expect to see these symptoms.

What is elevated pulse and decrease blood pressure?


A patient may experience this feeling, if the nurse asks him, "Why are you refusing to adhere to your plan of care?".

What is feeling blamed and accussed?


The nurse who is providing discharge teaching for a patient who is on a low sodium diet should include this in her discharge information.

What is education the patient on reading labels?


These are the FOUR types of communication.

What is 1. verbal, 2. non-verbal, 3. symbolic, and metacommunication.


The nurse is caring for a client who is a practicing Muslim living in a long-term care facility. This action should be done to help plan for the client's spiritual needs.

What is ask the client about their beliefs and inform the interdisciplinary team?


The nurse knows the elderly client is at risk for hypothermia and hyperthermia. By education the client on environment, clothing, and activity choices, the nurse is doing this level of prevention.

What is Primary prevention?


The nurse knows which factor will have the greatest impact on the client's ability to learn new information.  

What is motivation to learn new information?


The LPN knows that this is the control center for thermoregulation.

What is the Hypothalamus?


An elderly Japanese client is admitted to your unit. Upon assessment it is identified that the client does not understand English. This action is a priority when working with a client with a language barrier.

What is always using an interpreter for explaining care and medical care?


When the nurse is speaking with a client about them not adhering to the plan of care, the nurse wants to be care and not do this.

What is blame or accuse?


During a snowstorm, a confused elderly client was found wondering outside barefoot and only in pajamas. This would be the nurse's priority action when the client arrives in the ER.

What is remove their wet clothes?
