Composition & Structure
Greenhouse Effect
Air Pollution
Climate Change
Ozone Layer

What are the two most abundant gases in Earth's atmosphere?

Nitrogen and Oxygen


Which gases are primarily responsible for enhancing the greenhouse effect?

Carbon Dioxide, Methane, and Water Vapor


What are the primary sources of indoor air pollution?

Cooking, heating, and smoking


Explain the greenhouse effect and its role in global climate change.

Whe trapping of heat by greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere, leading to warming of the planet's surface


What is the primary function of the ozone layer in the stratosphere?

Protecting life on Earth by absorbing harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation


What is the boundary between the troposphere and the stratosphere called?



What is the main consequence of an intensified greenhouse effect on Earth's climate?

Global warming and climate change


What are the health effects of particulate matter pollution on human populations?

Respiratory problems, cardiovascular diseases, and lung cancer


Discuss the evidence for human-induced climate change and its impacts on Earth's ecosystems and societies.

Observations of rising temperatures, melting ice caps, changing precipitation patterns, and more frequent extreme weather events attributed to human activities such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation


How is stratospheric ozone formed, and what factors influence its distribution?

The formation of ozone through the photodissociation of oxygen molecules by solar radiation, and the influence of atmospheric dynamics and chemical reactions on ozone distribution


What is the average temperature change with altitude in the stratosphere

Increase in temperature with altitude


How do feedback mechanisms amplify or mitigate the greenhouse effect?

Positive feedback that amplifies warming, such as melting ice caps, and negative feedback that counteracts warming, such as increased cloud cover


Describe the formation of photochemical smog and its impacts on urban air quality.

The reaction of nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds in sunlight, leading to the formation of ground-level ozone and other pollutants


Describe the concept of climate feedback mechanisms and their role in amplifying or mitigating climate change.

Processes such as ice-albedo feedback, carbon cycle feedback, and water vapor feedback that can either enhance or dampen the effects of initial climate forcing factors


Describe the process of ozone depletion and its implications for human health and the environment.

The destruction of stratospheric ozone by ozone-depleting substances, such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), leading to increased UV radiation reaching Earth's surface and potential health effects such as skin cancer and cataracts


What is the primary role of the mesosphere in the Earth's atmosphere?

Protecting the Earth's surface from meteoroids


What are some natural sources of greenhouse gases?

Volcanic eruptions, wildfires, and decomposition of organic matter


What are the primary precursor pollutants involved in the formation of ground-level ozone

The primary precursor pollutants involved in the formation of ground-level ozone are nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs).


Analyze the strategies and policies implemented to mitigate climate change and adapt to its impacts

Initiatives such as renewable energy deployment, carbon pricing, reforestation efforts, and climate resilience planning aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and building societal resilience to climate-related risks


What are the primary sources of ozone-depleting substances, and how have international agreements addressed this issue?

Industrial processes, refrigerants, and aerosol propellants, and how has the Montreal Protocol regulated the production and use of ozone-depleting substances?


Name one trace gas found in the atmosphere and its role in atmospheric processes.

Carbon dioxide, which contributes to the greenhouse effect


How do human activities contribute to the enhancement of the greenhouse effect?

Burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes


Name one anthropogenic pollutant that contributes to stratospheric ozone depletion.

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), halons, or other ozone-depleting substances


Evaluate the potential consequences of unchecked climate change on global ecosystems, economies, and human health.

Scenarios of biodiversity loss, agricultural disruptions, sea-level rise, economic instability, and public health crises associated with continued global warming beyond critical thresholds?


Explain the concept of the ozone hole, including its formation, location, and seasonal variation, and discuss the effectiveness of international efforts in addressing ozone depletion.

The phenomenon of a localized thinning of the ozone layer, particularly over Antarctica, caused by the release of ozone-depleting substances? Describe its formation through chemical reactions involving chlorine and bromine compounds, its occurrence during the Southern Hemisphere's spring season, and efforts such as the Montreal Protocol to phase out the production and use of ozone-depleting substances, resulting in the gradual recovery of the ozone layer.
