Which political party was Mao the Chairman of?
Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
What was the name of the pro-democratic, student-led protests in Beijing resulting in violence between protesters and the Chinese military?
Tiananmen Square Massacre
What was the name of the Cold War alliance which included North American and European countries that opposed communism?
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
Which Cold War superpower supported East Germany after World War II?
Soviet Union (USSR)
What was the name of Mao's attempt to transform China from an agrarian (agricultural) economy into an industrial economy?
Great Leap Forward
We analyzed a political cartoon last week with the text "FREE MARKETS, NOT PEOPLE!" Explain its significance.
The political cartoon refers to how Deng Xiaoping wanted economic reforms for China; yet, still repressed people's civil liberties (freedom of speech).
What was the name of the Cold War alliance that supported communism and was led by the USSR?
Warsaw Pact
What is the name of the demarcation (boundary) dividing North and South Korea?
38th Parallel
Which event in Chinese history is associated with the Red Guards and Mao's Little Red Book?
What was the name of the policy which dealt with overpopulation in China?
One Child Policy.
What was the name of the American policy designed to provide "[economic] support for democracies against authoritarian threats" during the Cold War?
Truman Doctrine
Which event involving Fidel Castro and Che Guevara led to the overthrow of Fulgencio Batista?
The Cuban Revolution
What was the conflict between Chinese communists and nationalists (Kuomintang) resulting in the People's Republic of China?
The Chinese Civil War (1927-1949)
What was the name of the economic system under Deng Xiaoping which was a hybrid between communism and capitalism?
Socialist Market Economy
What was the name of Mikhail Gorbachev's policy involving economic reforms and his other policy pertaining to "openness."
Which proxy war was leader Ho Chi Minh involved with?
Vietnam War
What was the name of Mao's 6,000-mile trek when he and his followers confiscated property from the Chinese elite during the mid-1930s?
The Long March
What were Deng Xiaoping's "Four Modernizations?"
Agriculture, Industry, Science and Technology, and Military
Which event in 1989 led to the dissolution (closing down) of the Soviet Union in 1991?
Destruction of the Berlin Wall?
What was the name of the proxy war during the late 1970s and 1980s involving US-led Islamic fighters referred to as the Mujahideen?
Soviet-Afghan War